12. 5th Floor - Prefect bathroom

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Hermione went up to her dorm where all the other girls were giggling and gossiping, as they were doing each other's hair and makeup. Hermione swiftly walked over to her trunk and pulled out her white bath towels and a change of clothes, before marching back out, in search for an empty bathroom.

After searching for a while she noticed that the 5th floor prefect bathroom was empty so she sneaked in locked the door and waved her wand, indicating the bath to start running. The taps turned on, and different coloured water poured out of them.

Hermione began to get undressed, neatly folding all of her clothes and placing them in the corner of the room with such precision and care. The bath was steaming hot, the perfect temperature for her to unwind and relax. She climbed in and sat peacefully, resting her head on the edge of the bath - Bliss.

Draco had seen Hermione rush into the bathroom, and felt the sudden urge to join her. He hung around until the corridor was clear, before retrieving his wand from the pocket in his robes, waving it at the lock and chanting "Alohamora". 

The relaxed atmosphere caused Hermione to be completely oblivious to Draco's entry. He grinned to himself, as he had slipped in unnoticed. He walked over to where Hermione sat in the bath, and intentionally cleared his throat.

Hermione open her eyes, and sat up startled "OH!" she jumped. Draco sat himself down comfortably on the edge of the bath, just next to Hermione's head, leaned in kissed her gently, then sat up with a smug look on his face. 

Luckily the bubbles floating around in the bath covered Hermione's body well, but her face still flushed pink with embarrassment. "It's alright Granger I wouldn't have stuck around if, I didn't like what I saw" He said, followed by a cheeky wink. She laughed before pulling him into the water, fully clothed.

They both sat there laughing for a while before Draco interrupted “Urm Mione?” “Mmmm” Hermione said as she was so relaxed in the bath, she was quite unfocussed. Draco took a heavy breath out and burst out “I’m going to the party with Pansy Parkinson”. Hermione looked up jerkily, and she didn’t look impressed. “You don’t mind do you Mione?” He said as he stroked her face, and flashed the cheeky grin, that makes her heart melt.

Her stern look turned to a smile and she laughed, “No I don’t mind” “Ah I knew you wouldn’t”, “As long as she knows it’s just on a friendship basis its fine by me”. “Well who are you going with then?” Draco asked, “Ronald” she replied as she looked down. “WEASLE!” Draco began to laugh hysterically. “Draco! He’s my friend, don’t!” “Right, yes sorry” He said trying to calm himself down.

They both indulged in the water without a care in the world. Draco removed his clothes whilst under the water and climbed closer to Hermione. They embraced each other's company. Hermione leaned over the Draco and kissed him passionately. His tongue slid over her teeth, and she mirrored his actions.

Hermione roughly slid her hands through his perfectly combed hair, as Draco linked his hands around her waist. She climbed gracefully onto Draco's lap, her legs wrapped around his waist just as she had done the other morning. A slight groan slipped out from Draco. They looked at each other and Draco saw hunger in Hermione's eyes.

Draco's instant reaction was to kiss her neck. He spun her around so she was the one sitting on the ledge of the bath. Hermione loosened the grip her legs had on his waist, and allowed him to seat her. Draco kneeled on the ledge of the bath, each leg either side of her, and delved his face into her neck. Hermione stretched her head out naturally and placed her hands on Draco's pale back.

She couldn't help but feel aroused. Each time Draco kissed and bit her neck, it sent waves of pleasure flowing through her.

But then he stopped, and climbed out of the water before grabbing one of Hermione's towels. He wasn't looking at her. He ran his hands through his hair with rage, as he sat down and looked at the floor.

"Draco?" Hermione looked confused so she got out herself and mimicked his previous actions, covered herself with a towel and sat down next to him.

Draco wanted her, badly. "You deserve better". He still wasn't looking at her, trying to prevent the raging desire he had for her. She kissed his cheek softly "You know, I want this?".

He looked up at her, "Not here". At much as it pained him to reject her, he felt he did the right thing. "Just wait".

She smiled at him knowing his intensions and touched his cheek gently "Such a gentleman". Draco made a tsh sound, before pecking her lips delicately with his own.

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