part 8

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Niall P.O.V

I sat in the jet watching the boys play on the game system.

I got out my computer and logged into Twitter. I was trying to find something to post to the fans but my mind kept racing to Addison. I wonder what shes doing, I wonder if she even cares that im gone.

"I'm Sorry."

I texted. I just wanted her to.forgive me. She will never Forgive me... I logged on to my FriendM3 account. All I did was star at her pictures. Her beautiful pictures.

I looked at her face, so beautiful, shows no pain. Her eyes are distant looking.  As if she had other thoughts while taking the picture.

I wonder whats on her mind.

Does she miss me? I miss her, I miss her like crazy. I just want to find her and hold her. Kiss her Pink lips.

I was looking at the messages that we traded the first night I seen her. I smiled, I wish I could have never seen that first message. Saved the pain, depression.

I clicked on my profile. I was about to disabled  the account when I received a message.

" I dont know why you are mad at me but if you want to explain  skype me. Because I broke my phone if not Fuck it. I could care less.


I can't I have to let her go. I have to forget. I need to escape, reality.

I wrote her skype name in my phone and disabled my account. I looked out the window all the houses looked like ants. I wanted to just slam my head into this window until I no longer have a pulse.

Addison P.O.V

-3 days after-

I sent him the message and have been waiting for the call. My body is weak. my arms and leags hurt to move and I have not been to class in forever. I just wish, he would explain why he stoped.

I feel used, ugly. A peice of trash. I lokked at my self in the mirror. I look sick my hair is a tangled mess. My eyes are puffy from crying my cheeks look like there sinking in. I look discusting. I have not moved from this couch to do anything beside use the bathroom. I haven't even ate.

But I'm to broken to eat.

I decided to leave the house. I get off of my butt and shower. I wash away the insecure feelings.

He was just a jerk I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I pulled on an under armour long sleeve shirt and a PINK hoodie over it I put on black.skinny jeans and black  converse.

I walked into the street. I did not know where. But I was going somewhere. I walked down the street where Starbucks was the smell of coffee filled my nose. With out control, I vomited up all the acid im my stomach.

I stood there, dazed. What happened?

I looked around, people just started to stare at me.

"pathetic! Your a ugly fat peice of trash." someone yelled it sounded as if they were right behind me.   I twilled in a circle looking for the person.

Where were they?

Who said that?







All I heard was the yelling. The mean word. Why are they calling me this? they dont know who I am.

I felt dizzy. I tryed to walk forward, but my leggs felt like jello. I fell on the ground. The world went black.

Niall P.O.V

I falinally decided to try to skype Addison. I called and called.  She did not answer, Where was she. Why did she tell me to skype her then not answer.

I was waiting to go back to London. I  need to talk to her explain everything, tell her I'm sorry.

We go back to London in two days . Then were on vacation for


Just please let he be ok. I plan to stay in London. Watch over her. I will be alone. Lou is going home and spending time with el Zayn is going to be with Perrie and Harry will be with his mum. Liam is going home to see Sofia. 

"Addison, please call me back. Im freaking out. I need to talk to you. I kept a secret. A secret that I need to tell you. Please listen to me its important. "

I hope her phone is fixed. I want to hear her voice. I need to confess. I need to tell her... I'm Niall, not Carson. I just want to find her.

Payton P.O.V

I got a call from a strange number. I did not know who it was but I answered anyways.

"Hello this is Jane Maj from Big Ben hospital. We have a girl in our custody by the name of Addison Walters. She is unconscious and has a high risk of falling into a coma and we were wanting to know if you could answer a few personal questions about Mrs.Addison." Said the lady. I felt my heart raceing. Addison is my best friend if anything happened to her I would die.

"Um, yes I will be there soon!"I said she hung up. I grabbed my car keys and headed for the hospital.

I arived there in 20 minutes. I found Jane Maj in minutes. "Where is Addison ?" I asked worried.

"She is fine they have been doing test to make sure she is ok.l the doctor said.

"Okay." I said I cuppef my cheeks with my hands and leaned aginst her desk.

"So how long has Addison self harmed?"  asked the doctor. What the fuck how am I suppose to know.

"I didn't even know she cut herself." I said.

"How long has she been starving herself?" Asked the doctor.  Is this the same Addison.  She eats 24/7.

"She has never. She eats all the

time." I said with confidence. If theres one thing I know Addison will ear anything.

"Who is Carson?"

"Some guy? She told me she had a crush and that was the end of it. I asked but she just changed the subject."

"Everytime she comes to even for mire seconds she mumbles the name Carson."

"I dont even know who he is. Are yousaying he caused... this, everthing that Addison did to herself."

"I am not saying that, but im afraid that he may have said something or did something to cause her to go into a frantic state."

I looked around and just felt angery I was going to hunt down this guy and pull the answers from him.


hey guys Paton Has a p.o.v! yeah.

so yeah I worked hard on this. and yeah paytons going to go all investigative and stuff bahhhh


AJUDBDJDBDHBDBD fangirling for Lou. :):):)

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