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I said ''yes we do''. He then pulled me somewhere private and said ''what was that why did you punch her''. I said ''because she kissed you''. He then said ''it didn't mean anything and she kiss me in surprise so you don't need to get worked up''.

''Oh yes I do because she is slutty and always all over you. So I have every right to be mad because you cann't say you love me but can kiss other girls'' I said. He said ''oh I see what this is about. The I love you thing''.

''Yes, it is about that you cann't tell me a simple thing like I love you". He was shocked then said ''I am not ready to move that fast. I mean love is a strong word''. So I said ''are you saying you don't love me''.

He said ''I just cann't say it so easy like you. I think we should take is slow''. I said '' no I don't want to so either you say it your we are though''. ''I cann't maybe we need a break '' he said.

''So what are you saying you want to break up'' I said. He then said'' I think it would be for the best''. I tried holding in all the tears because I know if I start to cry I wont be able to stop.

He tried to tell me it okay to cry but how could he be okay with it. So I ran to are old high school walking through it. When I stumbled across classroom 429 it was the first place I meet Chris.


When Chris and I meet as freshman in geometry first period. It all started when he was late to the first day of school. He ran in late handing the teacher a late slip. So I giggled at how dorky he was.

Then the teacher scanned the room for a empty seat. She saw I had a seat empty next to me. So she said "sit next to Miss. Diaz and that will be your permanent seat". He said "who is that".

"The young lady in pink" the teacher said. So he walked up to me and sat in his seat. Then asked me " what is your name because mine is Chris Mares" then raised his hand to shake mine.

I said very soft and quietly " Amanda Diaz " which most people never hear me say anything. Then I shook his hand. He smiled and said" I think we could be close friends don't you think ". I smiled then turned away.

So days passed and we were good friend now. So he asked me out and I said "no". He then said "why no". I told him I was to young to date. I was only 15 years old and was not aloud to date until 17.

So I told him of he really wanted to date me he'd have to wait two year. He said " is that all bring on the to years". So two years passed and we were juniors he told the announcer to call me to room 429.

So I went and right when I walked in the class I saw all my classmates and teacher from freshman year. That's when I saw him siting in his old seat and he said "your late".

I smiled and said " very funny what is all this". He replied "would you do me the honer and go out with me Amanda Diaz" and pulled out a dozen roses. All the other students and teacher said "PLEASE" for emphasis.

I said "yes, but you need to meet my parents first''. He said confidently "ok because I know they will love me''. I then hugged him. Some kids whistled and clapped. When I got home I told my mom and dad I wanted them to meet a boy I liked.

Well because he asked me out and I wanted them to meet him first. Of course my dad freaked and said "no you can start dating because I wont the special man in your life anymore and your my baby girl".

I then said " dad know man could replace the love and respect I have for you. Yet one day their will be a man worthy of me to love more then you dad" I then hugged my dad and mom tight.

I called all my friends and told them Chris had asked me out and they all replied back saying I am so happy for you and we told you, you'd be the one to get a boyfriend first. The next day I had got up and did a few things.

Then later in that day I started to get ready and told my parents to be prepared for when he comes. A few hours pass and the doorbell rings. I rapidly get to the door and open it. We both say hi at the same time and awkwardly laugh.

When I say " come in". He says "thank you milady". Then my parents come down and he shakes my dads hand. Then says to my mom "you must be Amanda's beautiful older sister she talks so often about" and kisses her hand.

My mom says " why thank you but I am her mother". When all of a sudden all my three brothers and one sister come in and just stair at Chris. Chris got along great with my family.


I snap out of my flashback because I felt a rain droop hit my cheek. I start to cry about the break up and run to my friends house because she lives closer to the school then I do.

When I arrive I knock on the door and my friend Giselle opens the door. Only to see a soaking wet and mascara running mess on her door steps. She quickly lets me in and gets a towel from the cabinet.

I wrap myself in it and then she asked me what happen. I simple said "Chris and I broke up". She was shocked and said how, when, and why. I said it was " today and it was about how he couldn't say I love you and plus a girl kissed him in front of me.

It wasn't on purpose because the slut kissed him to get me angry and it worked but that's not the mean reason we broke up. It's because he won't tell me he loves me.

So I got mad and told him he has two options he can tell me he loves me and feels the same way or he can say nothing. He couldn't say it and said I am sorry but maybe we need a break.

So I ran to the school and thought about how we first met when it started to rain so I ran to your house crying". She said "are you ok". That's when I bursted out in tears I couldn't stop crying.

She just hugged me and patted my back which surprised me because she never hugs anyone not even her parents. I cried for hours then told her its getting late and I should get home. She said "okay but let me drive you home ".

I didn't bother arguing because I was in so much pain. When we arrived at my house Chris trying to ask me of I was okay. Of course I didn't answer. Giselle did she said "leave her alone haven't you cased enough pain".

Then walked me in the house. Then I closed the door and I think Giselle thought I went to my room because I heard her tell Chris not to try and make it up to me.


Chris would try and try to come by my house and talk to me but my friends wouldn't let him be within 30 feet of me. So Alondra and Giselle told him theirs nothing he can do to make me love him again.

I could tell that hurt him. So he said one last time ''I am sorry for what I did to you''. After weeks of trying he gave up. I cried on the inside trying to look brave. As I saw a tear come out of his eye. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope you all like this chapter but I understand if you don't. It is sad so on the side I put a picture of Selena Gomez crying. Also a video of ''superchick, stand in the rain'' because it is a sad but good song than fits the theme.

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