Ch 22

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Amanda (Pov)

So I got my dress and as weeks went by everything for the wedding started falling into place. Their was only 1 an 1/2 days till the wedding and I was nervous. I know mine and Eric's friend and siblings are planning a bachelor and bachelorette party for us the day before are wedding. So I beside to spend the rest of the day with Eric because tomorrow's my bachelorette and his bachelor party. So Eric and I went to dinner at a restaurant. We talked about all kinds of thing. We lost track of time because dinner took two hours. The next thing Eric and I went to see the new X-men movie its because I know he doesn't like movies like ' the fault in are stars' to be honest I didn't want to watch that movie ether. Eric bought are tickets then popcorn and soda well I got are seats. I personally hate siting in the front rows and I don't care if most couples like it because I like the back row. Eric came in with popcorn and soda taking a seat next to me. So as we watch the movie I kind of drooled every time I saw Hugh Jackman, Lucas Till or Nicolas Hoults. Eric got mad at how hot I thought they were and I told him he has no reason to be bad. I mean it not like their knocking on my door asking me to to ditch my fiancé and run off into the sunset with them. Hugh Jackman's married, Nicolas Hoults is engaged, as for Lucas Till he's single but my sister was in love with him at a young age. So that's why Eric never needs to weary. As we watch the movie it's Eric surprises me with candy. It's king size Twix and Hershey's. He knows those are my favorite chocolates. I'm right about to snatch them from him when he holds them up high and he's taller then me even when we're siting down. He then says " witch one do you want ". " Both " I say. " Sorry you can only get one " he says. So I pick the Twix and as I'm opening it he hands me half of the Hershey's so I give half the Twix. We kiss and thank each other then start watching the movie well eating. We both enjoyed the movie I know how some people hate it, it's just that I love all X-men movies know matter what. The movie took almost 3 hours if you include the previews. By then it was late at night it was 11:49 to be exact. He drove me home but instead of him driving home I told him he could sleep hear tonight because he looked really tired. He agreed then got ready to sleep on the couch. Well I went to my bed room to go to sleep.


I woke up the next morning and heard a knock on the door. I check the time and it was 10:30 am. So I yelled " Eric can you answer the door " but he didn't respond. I yell it again but this time louder still no answer and the knocks were getting harder. So I got up went down stairs and saw Eric sleeping like a baby so I gently shook him to wake up but he wouldn't that's when I got a glass of cold icy water. I was about to poor it on him when I decided that was to mean so I thought of something else. I gave him a great big smooch. As I did his eye flue open and he slowly started kissing me back that's when I pulled out of the kiss. I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt he was just in his boxers and I was in my pj shorts and shirt. He asked why I kissed him and I said " what a girl can't kiss her fiancé. Do you not like my kisses ". " No no no I liked it, its just you've never done it before " he said. " We I thought it would be nice since were not going to see each other the hole day until are wedding " I said. " Oh my gosh I'm sorry Amanda your rig..." he was cut off by the banging on the door so he quickly ran to my side because I was right next to the door. He was standing a little behind me as I opened the door. That's when all are siblings and friends rush in saying hi to us. That when they realized Eric wasn't fully dressed and I wasn't wearing the biggest pjs. I realized they wear looking at us both so I said " its not what it looks like Eric slept on the couch well I was in my bed I just woke him up ". " She's telling the truth " Eric said but felt awkward because everyone was looking at him so he stood behind me. I wish that when two people are in the same house, not siblings, and aren't covered from head to toe that people wouldn't think that they had the s word. Trust me you don't know how much I hate the s-e-x word. I even hate the word sexy but I'm learning to live with it. Back to reality so all the guys and girls split up. Someone tossed Eric his shirt and pants so he put them on quickly. The guy all grabbed Eric to take him. Thats when Eric grabbed my hand and kissed me on the lips then said " good bye ". " Good bye " I said. " Okay lover boy we got to get going " Alex said to Eric. " Oh and all boys who are under 21 except for Eric are not allowed to drink so Alex please keep an eye on these boys " Letty said to Alex. " Okay babe " he said to my sister kissing her. So all the guys took off I wonder what their going to do. The girls all told me to change into something nice. " I don't have anything nice to wear " I said. That's when Letty said " but I do so come with me " she grabbed me by the arm taking me to her old room. " You took all the nice clothes you had in your closet " I said. " That's what you think " she said pulling out a one long sleeve mini gray dress. I was shocked it was beautiful just a little short for my taste. They forced me to wear it. When we got in the car I asked my sister were we where going its because she's the one that planned my bachelorette party which scared me because my sister told me she'd do something crazy. That's when she said " were going to the spa to have a spa day ". All the girls screamed in excitement. When we got their it was 11:22 am. We all walked in and their was about 10 of us girl. It was Vanessa, Letty, Ella, Alice, Kaitlin, Giselle, Alondra, Marie, Tori, and me. We all got massage, body treatments and facials the hole package. It took most of the day because when everyone was done it was 8 o'clock pm. When we got to my house I told them " thanks for the relaxing day ". They all came in and Letty said " are you crazy you still have to open your gifts ". They sat in the living room and made me sit in the center of the couch as they all gathered around me. My sister brought all the gifts out of the closet. I wonder want they all got me. That's when Marie and Vanessa handed me their gift. I opened it up a inside bag was a stunning strapless pink dress. I hugged them saying thank you. Next was Giselle's turn she told me Letty told her to get me this. So when I opened the gift I was expecting something sweet and amazing like her but when I opened it I pulled out a small piece of fabric. That's when I realized what it was and got scared. I dropped it a guess what it was it was a thong. I looked at Giselle and she laughed a little. I opened almost every gift except my sisters I had a bad filling about it. My sister handed me a small bag. Which shocked me but when I opened it and pulled out the two things in it I screamed and dropped both things they were more perverted then Giselle's gift. It made Giselle's gift look like a saint.They all laughed at me this time. My sister had gotten me two s-e-x toys. Letty then said " that's not all your gift theirs more Amanda " and someone knocking on the door. Letty ran to the door and opened it was two guys. They looked like cops and started saying " miss we came because we heard that you ladies were making to much noise ". " Oh no sir were just having a little party its kind of boring and my sister screamed of joy from the gift I gave her " Letty said. That's when one of them said " well miss your lucky my partner and I have orders to make sure all you ladies have a amazing time tonight especially a lady by the name of Amanda Diaz ". They closed the door and came in taking off their shirts and then their pants. As they did this as they got closer to me and what they were left only in small underwear. My sister said " meet Francisco and Thomas " putting on the song ' I like it ' by Enrique Iglesias. All the girls cheered. Both guys offered their hands to me so they could get me to stand up and they were both really hot. Their body's and faces are perfection. It makes scene why their stripper showing off what they got. Don't tell Eric I thought this about them he'd be enraged because he gets mead when I say a actor is hot. Giselle and Alondra pushed me out of my seat making one of the strippers catch me. It was Francisco he had beautiful chocolate brown eyes and the other one Thomas had blue eyes. That's when Francisco winked at me. I wanted to melt like ice cream in his arms. Now I was standing in the center as them both danced perverted around me. Letty then hand me a pint of alcohols telling to drink it. I didn't want to drink it but they cheered me on so I did. What a good influence she is on me (sarcasm). That's when Letty said " come on Amanda dance cut lose. Know one will judge you even if you can't dance ". " I can dance " I said getting mad. I think the alcohol was kicking in. She really knows how to get me to do something I don't want to do. So I started dancing and all the girl cheered me on again. I dance as the two strippers danced pressed against me I laughed in joy from it. I was already getting drunk after one drink that's sad. All the girls joined in the dancing. I just wonder if Eric was having as much fun as me.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for reading this story. I'm sorry if this chapter is a little to much it's just its a bachelorette party crazy things happen. I put the song footloose on the side. I also put a picture of Francisco Lachowski as Francisco the stripper on the side. Zac Efron as Thomas the stripper. Please enjoy comment, vote, and recommend to others. Sorry about bad grammar or stuff spelled wrong. Oh and this is the last chapter till the wedding so the next is the wedding. :-)

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