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I hug him before he can say another word. Then late go. He says "if I had known you miss me this much I would have come back sooner". I smiled and hugged him again then said "don't got conceded now".

He smiled and hugged me back and said " I missed you Amanda". I felt harm inside and said " I missed you to Eric". Hey don't judge me I have known him all my life. In middle school he was my best guy friend. I knew him in elementary but never talked to him.


It started in 6th grade I was assigned a partner for an English project. We had to come over to each others houses. The first day of the project I went to his house to start it and meet his family. He had one sister a grade younger then us named Alice Aguirre.

So that's why I didn't know her but my brother did. The one that was a grade younger then me named Juan. He was crazy about her in elementary and middle school. She was always a beautiful girl. The sad thing is that I think she had feelings for my brother to.

So when they were in 7th grade and the year was almost over my brother said to her he'd wait for her to come back one day so they could be together again. So till this day my brother think about her all the time. As for me and Eric we finished that project and got an A+.

We realized we worked great together and started to talk to each other more often. Leading to us becoming great friends. So things we do was tell each other are crushes. Like one time I told him I like a kid named Brian in 8th grade.

I said to him " I know Brian doesn't like me and he said well then he's a fool to not like a smart and beautiful girl like you Amanda".

I blushed and said "you think I'm beautiful and smart".

He blushed and said "ya so that's not the point. The point is that what I think of you is the only is the only opinion that maters and I know I will never meet a more amazing girl never the less a woman".

I hugged him and said " thanks, you always know what to say Eric ". He then was going to tell me something but he couldn't for some reason. The next day someone told me that Eric was moving away and Friday was his last day but today was Thursday.

So I looked everywhere for him when I found him minutes later playing basketball are favorite sport. He said " do you want to play".

I said " NO, why didn't you tell me you were moving" in anger and pain.

He said " I didn't want to put you in pain".

" Well it hurts more that you didn't tell me yourself and that I had to find out from someone else" I said starting to cry.

He said " Amanda stop crying or I'm going to start crying and I cry really ugly".

I laughed a little then dug my puffy face into his chest crying more because I knew I would miss him. That's when his parents texted him to come home and finish packing. So he said " I will never forget you Amanda " and waved good bye.

"And I will never forget you Eric " then waved good bye. The next day I watched his airplane take off and that was the last I saw of him.


Till now so Eric said '' how have you been '',

'' I've been ok. What about you Eric. What have you done without me ''.

He started to say '' well I traveld the world with my family and finllay got old enough to move back hear with my two sisters and brother. My brother watches over us and we live in a house. Do you remember my brother Alex and to sisters named Alice and Ella.

The reason why Alice came back with us was because she missed Juan and Ella and Alex missed Leticia. So tell me same stuff that happened ''. He was cut off by my cellphone ringing.

It said did you forget about your date tonight. To which I replide texting no I will be on my way home. So I told Eric ''I have to get going''.

He then said '' can we go out somewhere tomorrow to catch up''.

''Ok'' I replide.

He said ''at 7 o'clock p.m''.

''Ok bye Eric'' I said. He replide '' bye Amanda''.

I got home as soon as I could. Kaitlin was mad at me but just pushed me in my room to get ready. So as I got ready she told me I was going one a date with her twin brother named Kyle. Don't weary their futernil twins and her brother is not my type.

Don't get me wrong he's hot and nice. It's just we don't click. I finished getting ready and went down stairs. When I saw Kyle talking and laughing with Alondra. When we went out on the date all he did was ask and talk about Alondra.

So we went back to my house and I told him it's ok to like Alondra. Plus I think she likes you too. Kyle then said really and thanked me. Then came inside and asked Alondra out on a date I smiled. Saying to myself you can't force a person to like someone they don't.

Alondra smiled saying yes so he graved her by the hands taking her somewhere. So I told Kaitlin "its ok he clearly liked Alondra ".

Then I told them about my old guy friend Eric. They all smiled at me and said " looks like someone's got a crush on Amanda".

I then said " that's crazy Eric is just a friend ".

They all said " oh really did he ask you out to go somewhere and want to know how you've been".

" Actually yes he did say stuff like that" I exclaimed.


I got ready for school and saw Eric talking to some people then walk over to me. He and me played in all are class together having fun. Then we went home to get ready for are get together ---------------------------------------------------------------------- So I hope you like this chapter. I also posted a song I like by Kelly Clarkson called " life would suck without you" because I feel it shows how Amanda feels when Eric leaves. I also posted a picture of Emily Rudd that plays Alice Aguirre Eric's little sister and Ella Aguirre is played by Megan Fox Eric's older sister. Alex Aguirre is played by Ian Somerhalder as the oldest sibling of Eric's siblings. Kyle Benson is played by Alex Petifer.

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