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He grabbed my hands getting down on one knee then said " Amanda Lilith Diaz will you marry me ". I was so shocked for a few seconds.

I was going to answer him when Chris said " bravo just simply bravo. Amanda thinks she's going to end up with some water obsessed freak ".

I turned to look at him that's when Eric said " oh and just who are to judge anyone because all I see is some spineless cowered".

Chris said " SHUT UP you ugly dirt bag your just jealous ".

" Of what the fact that Amanda won't take you back because as soon as I came back in town she forgot all about you. News flash man she loves me not you because when she did you chickened out. Besides I've loved her all my life so just leave her alone you dick" Eric then kissed me just to piss Chris off.

That's when Eric turned around to face Chris and Chris punched him in the face. Eric stumbled back a few feet then gained his footing and punched Chris back in the face.

They started to fight so I tried to stop them but I was not strong enuf so I said " stop, stop, stop it you guys". I ran inside to get help. Instead of helping me people start to all go outside to watch the fight.

Alex, Juan, Ivan, and Isaac came to help stop the fight. Alex and Juan held down Eric. Ivan and Isaac held down Chris. They both finally calmed down.

I ran to Eric to see how bad he was hurt. Thats when Chris pushed them off him then looked at me and Eric slowly turning to walked away. He looked angry I knew now that he would never want to be friends with Eric.

I could tell that Chris had a cut above his eye and a bruised cheek. I took Eric to the restroom to see how bad he was hurt. When we went in the restroom I grabbed Eric's face to see wear he was hurt.

He had a busted lip and bloody nose. He said his ribs hurt so I lifted his shirt only to see a big bruise on his rib cage. I cleaned his nose then his lips. I said " you didn't need to fight him he just wanted to make you mad ".

" Yes I did Amanda. He still loves you Amanda and how can I ask you to marry me if he won't let you go " Eric said. " Well I love you Eric. He just doesn't want us to be together besides he's jealous that I'm happy with you " I said. " So Amanda does that mean you will marry me " he said. I replied " Eric ". That's when I saw the way he looked me in the eyes and said " yes I will marry you". He kissed me on the lips then hugged me. It felt good saying yes. He then put the engagement ring on my finger. That's when we stepped out of the restroom and all eyes were on us. Eric said " I have something to tell you all. I have asked Amanda to marry me and she said yes ". He held up the hand of mine that had the ring on it showing every one how perfectly shaped and everything it was. Everyone started clapping and cheering in joy it was like everyone has forgotten about the fight that just happened a few minutes ago. I mean Chris looked serious about that fight. As if he wasn't going to back down. Even if he try to get me back he can't I'm engaged now. My parents comes up to us and said they are so proud of me. I hugged them and said " thanks mom and dad". My mom said " I knew you'd be the first to get married " then went to talk with some of my aunts and uncles. Eric's dad and mom come up to us. His mom said " I knew you were the one for my son ". His dad said " so how many kids are you guys going to have because the honeymoon is always the best part " he winked at us. That's when Eric said " Dad stop your making Amanda fill uncomfortable. Besides we don't want to have kids right way because we're still not ready for children ". " I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Aguirre it's just Eric and I aren't share about anything yet but will tell you first ". " Oh please call us Arthur and Eva sweetie because your going to be part of are family now " Eric's mom said. " Ok then " I said. They hugged us then left to go talk to people. Letty and Alex come up to us saying that the day before are wedding we're going to celebrate are last night of freedom from marriage. Eric and I said " you guys are bad ".

...A few hours later

Everyone had just left except for Letty, Alex, Eric, and I. Eric and I were getting ready to leave. So I hugged a Letty and Alex. As for Eric he guy hugged his brother then hugged my sister bye. When we arrived at my house. Eric and I went in the house only to be surprised by my friends and their boyfriends. So it was Tori and her boyfriend my cousin Isaac. Giselle and her boyfriend my brother Ivan. Alondra and her boyfriend Kyle Kaitlin's brother. Kaitlin and her boyfriend Rocky who is best friends with Chris. So we had some more fun taking, dancing, and playing. So I went to my room well everyone was having fun. I started going through my dresser for a pj shirt but instead I found a sweater. Only the sweater was Chris's but instead of throwing it in the trash. I put it on my bed to change into it late. That's when almost all my friends were gone except for Kaitlin, Rocky, and Eric. That's when they were saying good bye but Kaitlin had to get something from my room first. She went up to me caring Chris's sweater. She said " why do you still have this. Amanda I thought you were done with this". I said " I know I am I was just taking it out of my dresser so I don't have to see it any more " I lied. She said " ok ". Then left with Rocky. Eric kissed me good night the left. I went to bed.

{Kaitlin Pov}

So as soon as I left Amanda's house I went to Chris's house. Chris wanted Rocky to stay for the night. They wanted to catchup on some stuff. I asked Rocky if he could let me talk to Chris alone. As I talked to Chris I said " you need to stop what ever your doing because Amanda is engaged now. So get all your thing then leave her and her fiancé alone ". " I can't just stop loving her I need her I'm in pain I miss her " he said. " We'll she's picking him so stop it " I said. " When she tells me to stop loving her or gets married I will. So for now I don't have to listen to you " he said. I left in anger going home. Rocky asked me why I was mad so I told him to ask his best friend.

{Rocky Pov}

So Chris told me about every thing even the way he fills. The next day I went to Amanda's house. I told her how Chris feels. I told her I known theirs still a part in her heart that loves Chris. She told me I was wrong but I knew she was lying. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

So thanks for reading and I known its been a long time since update chapter 9. I an sorry for that its just I haven't had wi-fi in a long time. The song I posted (theirs known easy way out by Robert Tepper) because I fills like it matches how Amanda fills like theirs known easy way out of the problem. The picture is of to people fighting symbolizes Chris and Eric fighting. So please vote and tell more people about this story bye you guys.

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