Epilogue for Chris's Ending

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Chris and I are heading to my sisters house for thanks giving. Chris and I don't want to go because Eric's family would be their but my sister has something important to tell me and she wants to tell me it in person.

When we get their almost everyone was already their but they were still making the food and it was 2:00 pm. I hugged and said hi to all my family. Chris said hi and hugged my family. I helped make dinner and he just played with all the guys.

That's when it was 7 o'clock. We all got seated and start serving when we realized Eric wasn't hear yet. We heard a knock on the door and Alex went to go get the door. Alex came back to the dinning room with Eric and my cousin Desiree. They were holding hands smiling and apologized for coming late.

We were all hear and when I say we I mean me and Chris, Juan and Alice, Ivan and Giselle, Letty and Alex, my mom and dad, Eric's mom and dad, Ella and Thomas, John and Marie, Eric and Desiree. We were all ready to start eating when Letty said " excuse me everyone may I have your attention ". Alex got up and stood next to Letty.

" We have something very important to tell you all " Alex said. " What is it " we all asked. " We're having a baby " Letty and Alex said. " What " everyone said. " I'm 3 months along " Letty said. " That's so great Letty do you guy know what it's going to be " I said as I hugged them. " No were not sure yet " she said.

" Oh well do you want it to be a surprise " I asked then I started laughing hard and so did Letty. " Thats funny " Letty said. " I know you being patient please " I said well still laughing. The reason we both laughed is because Letty has never been a patient person I was. After we were done laughing are family looked at us if we were a little crazy.

Well we then ate the food until everyone was filled and the late one eating was Ivan like always. He always was the one that lasted the longest. Now he works off all the fatty foods he eat because he wants to stay in shape. It was 11 so I beside that Chris and I should leave. Considering everyone else had went home.

We said bye, hug and left. I lived in an apartment with Giselle because we was almost done with college. Chris was almost done to but he had his own apartment it was a really nice one too. Well went to are own apartments.


Chris and I go to Alex and Letty's house because their announcing if the babies a girl or boy. Oh ya were also going because their having a Halloween party. So we arrive at the party it's filled with lots of people. In the middle of the party my sister announces she's having boy. Desiree and Eric come a little late to the party because its already 10:49. Eric said " Amanda can I talk to you ".

" Sure Eric what is it " I said as we walked to a quiet place.

" Amanda I want you to be the first to know that I'm getting married " he said.

" Wait what your getting married " I said a little shocked.

" Ya I'm getting married " he said happy.

" Wait hold on your getting married to my cousin Desiree right " I said.

" Well of course " he said. All of a sudden Desiree and Chris come.

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