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{Juan's Pov}

So when I went down stairs to see what Amanda wanted. I saw her Alice the girl I've always loved then ran to her. Lifting her like a ballerina spinning her . That's when my sister told me " go do that on your own time or else I'm going to call her brother". To which I kissed her anyways and the doorbell rang.

It was my sisters "friend"Eric and he hugged her as soon as he saw her. I could tell he liked her it was so noticeable well to me anyways. So I gave her a look that says oh so I'm the only one interested in their family. She mouthed were only friends and to shut up.

Then she said "be good well I am gone". To which I replied " you to have a good time" in a flirty way. I knew it would make her mad. I just love messing with my older sister. Besides its like a little brother law. So that when my attention went back to Alice. I quickly kissed her some more then asked her what we should do.

She smiled and said " let's watch a movie ". I said " sure but what movie do you want to watch". " A movie with Chris Evans or Chris hemswarth in it because he's so hot" she said. I then said " well I want to watch a movie with Jessica Alba or Scarlett Joehondson because they are so sexy ".

She then got really mad and said " hey don't say that it is very rude to say in front of your girlfriend". " Oh so you know how I fill when you say Chris Evans is hot. I'm sorry I can have bulging muscles or be 6 foot. So why don't you date someone else"I said in anger.

She then replied " I'm sorry I guess I just didn't take any regards for your feelings but I didn't think it would mean any thing to you because it's not like I would leave you for one of them anyways ". I said " it's ok because I love you anyways so I'm sorry for what I said too " and kissed her cheek. We then came up with two options for movies.

The options were Fantastic Four or Avengers. It was so tough to decide so I let Alice choose and of cores she chose Avengers because Chris Evans and hemswarth both being in their. I played the movie and when it showed Caption America or Thor she smiled I got very mad. So the movie took a couple of hours. I asked her what she wanted to do now.

That when she kissed me then got up and told me if I wanted more I'd have to catch her. So I chased after her then cornered her in my room. We started to make out when we herd the front door open. I went down to see who it was it was my cousin Isaac. He had came over to play on the X-box.

When he saw Alice come out from behind me. He said " oh I'm sorry is this a bad time I should probably come back tomorrow ". I was going to say ya you should go. Then Alice said " no you can stay if you like". To which Isaac said " only if its ok with Juan ". I looked at Alice then looked back at Isaac " ok " I said.

I mean don't get me wrong I love playing with Isaac he's my favorite cousin it's just I thought I could be alone with Alice well Amanda was gone with Eric. So Alice and Isaac play for the longest time when it's getting late and Isaac has to leave. I tell him bye then sit on the couch next to Alice. She lays her head on my holders and fells asleep.

Then I do to ... Hours later I fill something tap me it my sister telling me to go to my bed and sleep. So as I was going up to my room when I could hear Eric say these kind things to my sister. I think he's a great guy for my sister but then again I thought Chris was too. So I'm going to make sure she is safe and happy because I just can see my sister go through that pain again.

I love her she my favorite sister I have and it's because we're really close ever since kid we tell each other who we liked. Plus Amanda watches out for me and be's the best sister ever to me. Well leticia just bosses me around I love her to but it just that she so bossy. I went to bed then.

{Alice's Pov}

The next morning I woke up to the sound of someone dancing. When I saw it was my brother Eric. He was so happy for his date later that day he made breakfast. Which me and sibling were eating.

That when my older brother Alex said " Eric you should always be in a good mood like this". Ella just said " thanks for the breakfast little bro". Then Eric left and the rest of my siblings left too. I had school but I didn't want to go so I called Juan to pick me up to go somewhere.

We went to a ice cream shop then went roller skating. It was an amazing date. I tell Juan how much I missed his and some tears come out. So he wipes them all away and tells me he missed me to and that he loves me. I smile and hug him saying I love you too. We kiss then and deep down I know we are meant to be.

That's when Juan said "I'm going to marry you some day". I said "ok then for now let's live our lives well were young". We kissed. Then days passed by and we got married a year after high school and moved in to are own home. We were both 20 years old. We both went to the same college and had jobs. . . So that's are story.

STORY OVER HAPPY ENDING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So this chapter is short but it is about someone else love life. The picture is Zayn Malik played as Juan and the song is The Turtles ' so happy together'.

cast: Alice Aguirre as Emily Rudd Juan Diaz as Zayn Malik

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