Ch 21

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Eric (Pov)

To be honest when I came back in town I wasn't expecting to find Amanda never the less be engaged to her. I wasn't expecting her to have such a stupid, ugly ex boyfriend ether. So well Amanda went dress shopping. I went shopping for tuxes with my older brother Alex and Amanda's three brothers. We all picked are tuxes rather fast. The only problem was waiting for them to be finished tailoring. So as we waited for weeks for them to be finished. I asked Letty and my sister Ella to help me pick out a ring for Amanda. We went to dozens of ring shops till we found the perfect one for Amanda. Ella and Letty said they were so jealous and that Amanda's lucky to have a man like me. I then though maybe Amanda and I should just go as a couple to pick the cake, flowers, and exedra for are wedding since I still had a day till my tux was ready. So I called Amanda up " hey sweetie how has your day been so far ". " Good what about yours " she said on the other line. " Oh my days been okay I was just wondering do you want to go with me shopping for the wedding " I said. " I would love to go with you wedding shopping " she said. " Okay I'll pick you up in 10 minutes so be ready bye " I say giving her a kiss through the phone making the sound. She said " okay bye " and did the same kiss sound then hung up. I got on a fresh pear of clothes then drove to Amanda's house. It wasn't to far from where I lived. When I got to her house I got out of my car and knocked on her door. She opened the door hugging me and so I gave her little peck on the lips. So we hopped in my car as I started the engine I said " so what are we going to shop for first ". " I think we should start off by going to a wedding store and scanning everything we like in the store " she said with a beautiful smile. Witch I replied to saying the word " okay " and smiled. We drove to a wedding store and I parked. We got of and Amanda got out of the car so fast that before I realized it I was being pull to stay caught up with Amanda. I could tell she was exited to go shopping. We bought all kinds of things like pillows, coffee makers, statues, plates, loofas, and other things engaged couples get. That took 4 an 1/2 hours of the day. We then went to shop for the flowers. Amanda and I looked at numerous types of flowers but Amanda could just not find the flowers she wanted. Thats when I asked the lady if they had pink roses. The lady said yes then came back with to different types of roses light pink and dark pink. Amanda then tells me she can't pick that when I realize something. " Why don't we get both and mix them together " I say and Amanda hugs me. Then Amanda says " oh my gosh your so smart. I guess I'm lucky that I'm marring my guy best friend who knows me so well ". She gives me a little kisses me on the lips and I smile. So that took us about 1 hour an 1/2. After that Amanda was really hungry and I was to lucky I new just exactly were to go next. Cake tasting so Amanda and I drove up to a wedding cake bakery. We told them we didn't know what type of flavor we wanted the cake and frosting to be. So they asked us if the was any type of things we were allergic to. We both had no allergies witch was good. They asked if we preferred chocolate or vanilla. I like chocolate and Amanda likes vanilla. They asked us what are favorite fruit was. Mine was blueberries and Amanda's was cherries. We were asked more questions until the person was finally finished. They made a bunch of different types of small cakes but using all the information they gathered from us. Then they cut a slice from each cake. Their were over 20 type of cake combinations. I got a spoon and scooped up a pice of one the slices. The slice was vanilla white frosting was chocolate bread and cherries in it. I tasted it and it was amazing thats when I scooped another pice of it then feed it to Amanda. She said " mmm" and I laughed at the sound she made. We romantically feed each other different types of cake slice till we were filled. Then we decided on witch one we want. So we started to head home because it was getting late. As I was driving Amanda's phone rang so she answered it. She said " yes this is me Amanda... okay... I'll be their tomorrow " . So I asked her who it was. She said " it was the dress store they were calling to tell me that my dress is ready tomorrow. So I need to come in tomorrow ". " Oh well I bet your going to look sexy in your wedding dress " I said winking at her. She smiled and blushed " stop it I bet your the one that going to look sexy in your tux that I'm going to have to make sure only ugly or married or in a relationship women come to are wedding " she said making me turn red as I pulled up into her drive way. We got out and were standing in her front door. When I said " you don't need to worry know woman could make me change the way I fill about you because I will treasure you " kissing her passionately. Thats when I opened her door but not letting my lips leave her. We closed the door behind us. So as we continued to kiss. Thats when I kissed her neck for the first time and she pulled away because she was shy. Amanda and I are both virgins we strongly believe in waiting till marriage. I knew what your thinking 20 and i'v never do the deed. So your probably thinking I'm probably a little gay for never doing it but I believe both a man and woman should wait till marriage before losing their virginity. So as snap back to reality and begin to tell Amanda that we're getting married in a few weeks so doing it isn't wrong. I start to kiss Amanda on the neck and lips to be honest I don't know what's coming over me I just want to kiss and do other things with Amanda all night long. I take off my shirt then my shorts and Amanda is under neath me as we are kissing my hand go under her shirt that's when Amanda say " Eric please stop ". For some reason I don't listen I just continue to kiss her the pull her shirt off that's when Amanda says " Eric stop we can't do this I'm not ready ". I still continue that's when I see a tear fall from her eye and realize what I'm doing. I than said " I'm so sorry Amanda. I don't know what just came over me it's like my body took control. You know I would never hurt you because I love you. I think it's because i'v never done the deed witch caused all my male hormones i'v been suppressing for year to all just go free ". " It's okay I never let a boy kiss my neck and was scared but also I trusted that you respect me. Besides you heard I need to get my dress tomorrow so I need rest " she says all sweet and innocent. She really does respect herself and others so I put my pants on then my shirt back on. I kissed her on the cheek and " good night Amanda sweet dreams ". Amanda said back " good night Eric and sweet dreams to you to ".-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So this chapter shows how Eric feels. I put the song ' Treasure ' by Bruno Mars on the side because I explains the was Eric felt about Amanda. I put a picture on the side of Logan Lerman and Selena Gomez who play as Eric and Amanda. Please vote, comment, and tell more people about this story. Thank you all for reading this story. Oh and theirs only 5 more chapters left in the story but only 1 more left until the wedding. :-)

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