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The Story of Ella and Thomas

Hi my names is Ella and I'm going to tell you my story so listen close. It all started when I was a freshman in high school I was just 14 years old. I have two brothers and one sister. Their names are Alex, Eric, and Alice.

That's all I care to tell you anyways. So back to me. My friend Letty likes to hang out at my house because she loves my brother. As for me I love my brothers best friend. His name is Sam he likes to come over and hang with my brother.

He's so hot I wish he liked me. My brother try's to hook him up with sluts but he doesn't ever date them. So I have a chance with him. Well their was is time I told Ella that I was going to stay home and do my homework. I actually went to the movies with some nerdy guy to spy on Sam.

I think the nerdy guys name was Thomas. He was a okay looking nerd and besides he's not my type. He had glasses, long hair, some pimples, bonny, but he really tall. So when we got to the movies I saw Sam with this some girl. He saw me with Thomas the nerd. That's when I grabbed Thomas's hand and said " lets get are snacks then find are seats".

He said "okay". I found the perfect seats in the back to watch Sam and his date. The movie we were watching was a romance movie. So as the movie played I would hold Thomas's hand and stare at his face when Sam would turn to look at me. I could tell he was annoyed with his date. When it came to the kissing part Thomas looked at me.

I realized that and the fact that I still hadn't made Sam jealous enough to want me. That's when I kissed Thomas on the lips as soon as Sam turned his head to us. Thomas was shocked at first when I kissed him but then calmed down. I turned my face to see if Sam saw and he sure did. He was so pissed that he stormed out of the theater into the lobby.

When then movie was over Thomas and I went to his car to leave. That's when Sam came up to us and asked if he could talk to me in privet. So we went to a corner that's when Sam kissed me. He said " I have been dying to kiss you for years". I smiled and said " me too".

That's when he asked Thomas to take his date home and that he'll take me home. He gave a reason like I'm his best friend little sister and as a good friend he wants to make sure I got home safe. So as Thomas left with that girl Sam and I left. We wet to a ice cream shop.

We did all kinds of things. I spent the night at Sam's house and no we didn't do anything bad we even slept in separate rooms. Sam drove me home in secret. When I was sneaking in Alex caught me. Then asked wear have you been little sister. I told him I spent the night with Letty at her house.

He then said " your lying". I said " how would you know". " Because Letty was with. I mean Letty called me asking if you wear done with your homework so you could come over" he said.

"Your lying Letty didn't call you she doesn't even know your number and besides since when did you start to call her by her name " I said. " well I realized I need to treat people with more respect" he said. "Oh and your right I wasn't with Letty I was hanging at a friends house" I said.

"Okay why didn't you just tell me that" he said. " I don't know now leave me alone I need to get ready for school. The next day I got to school and the first person I talked to was Letty she told me everything so I told her why I wasn't home. I asked her if she was okay. That's when that Kelly bitch has the nerve to threaten Letty. Letty threatened her back.


Alex asked me what he should do and I told him to dump that slut and pick Letty.


So I was talking to Letty when my brother came up to us asking Letty if she would be his girlfriend but before she could answer that slut Kelly come up to us. She said a few bad thing to Letty and Letty said a few thing to her.

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