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I was putting on the final touch when I heard the doorbell ring. I said " just a minute ". When the knock got harder and I yelled " wait ". When I opened the door Alice was their.

She then asked me if my brother was home and if she could come in. So I let her in and said " Juan come down here". He came down asking me what I wanted. That's when he saw Alice and ran to hug her.

Then lifted her by the waist spinning her then pulled her close to kiss her. That's when I said " go do that on your own time or else I'm going to call her brother". They kissed anyways when the doorbell rang.

I open it then as soon as Eric saw me he hugged me. Which made my brother give me this look that says oh so I'm the only one interested in their family. So I mouth him saying we're friends and to shut up. I told him to be good well I was gone.

He just said " have a good time" in a flirty way. Which made me mad and Eric said " little sibling never listen ". I laughed and said " you can say that again". We went to a very nice restaurant which surprised me.

We had barely ordered then what do you know Chris comes in with the same girl from the buffay two days ago. I just tried to pretend like I didn't see them. Then they walk passed us to sit at a table across from us.

That's when Chris and Jasmine got up to stop by are table. Chris said " hi Amanda " and Eric said wait you know him. I nodded yes to him. That's when he said to Eric " I don't believe we have met ".

That's when Eric said " oh my name is Eric I just moved back to California and am a old friend of hers. So may I ask what your name is ". I am Chris and this is my date Jasmine".

That's when Eric said " it very nice to meet you guys". We all exchange goodbyes. So Eric and I talked and laughed all about what we did in the past few years part even the past. I saw Chris stair at us all night long.

What I could see about him was he looked pissed at us in a sutle way. When me and Eric were done eating he payed for the bill then we left. Then we got home to my home we went inside and found my brother Juan on the couch sleeping.

Well Alice was lying on the side of him with the T.V on. I turned off the T.V and Eric carried his sister to the car not waking her up. I then wake up my brother and told him to go to bed in his room.

So he did I mean it was 11 o'clock at night. That's when Eric told me he was done with putting his sister in the car and ask me if my brother was in bed. I said " yeah why are you asking".

" It's because I want to ask you something special Amanda Diaz " he said. " Ok " I said. He finally said it " Amanda Diaz you have always been my best girl -friend so will you go out with me on a real date ".

I froze to the words that came out of his mouth then all these warm happy feeling come up melting away the cold. I said " yes " he hugged me and smiled. Then said " Amanda I have always loved you".

I thought to myself I have always liked you and maybe even thought we could be together. I then said " you know that guy at the restaurant named Chris I know". Eric said " yeah".

" He was my ex boyfriend and we broke up because he couldn't say I love you to me but you can say it so easy before we even have are first date " I said. " It's because I know you so well that I mean it with all my heart when I say I love you and he made the foolish choices of letting a amazing woman never the less girl go. So it's his loss" and Eric cur rest my face well saying all those things.

I think I mite actually love him. I then kissed him on the lips before we said goodbye for are date tomorrow at 7 o'clock.

I then went to bed dreaming of him. I didn't even cry once that night it was the most peaceful night I've had in mouths. I wish I could relive that night again and again.


I wake up humming and dancing making breakfast. My brother John asked my brother Ivan why I was happy Ivan said " I don't know ask Juan or Leticia.

So he did and Juan answered " it's probably because Eric asked her out on a date ". I said " you can try to make me mad all you want but it won't work ". They all said "wow she's serious".

So I went grocery shopping then called all my friends to go to Giselle's house because I needed to tell them all about yesterday. It was all ready 3 o'clock when we all arrived at her house.

They all gathered around me to listen close. " Yesterday when I went on my get together with Eric we had a great time but when we were finish ordering Chris came in with Jasmine. So they said hi to us and Eric introduced himself to them. The hole time Chris was staring at us pissed off all night long. Well Eric and me had an amazing get together. So when we went to my house Eric asked me out on a date and I told him about Chris. He told me Chris was foolish and that he loves me."

They all said " Amanda were all so happy for you". I told them thanks and had to leave because it was 5 o'clock. When I get home it was 5:25. When I was all most done getting ready I heard a knock on the door and said " just a minute please ". Then went down stairs to opened the door for Eric. Then said " let's go Eric ". Only to be surprised by Chris. He said " Amanda can we talk". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So this chapter is kind of short and I post a picture of Logan Lerman and Selena Gomez. Also I put a song by Sara Bareilles call " brave" because it shows how Amanda needs to be brave. So I'm sorry but stay tuned to see what happens on the next "Love is Pain". Juan Diaz is played by Zayn Malik who is 18 years old. Ivan Diaz is played by Taylor Lautner who is 17 years old. John Diaz is played by Jake.T.Austin who is 16 years old.

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