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{Leticia Pov}

It all started when I was a 14 year old freshman in high school. My best friend since birth Ella. Ella and I were so nerdy when we started high school. That we had strait (A's) and were picked on a lot.

I remember going to Ella's house for the first time. She introduced me to all her family. When I met her older brother I was shocked because he was the senior boy I was in love with.

So when Ella introduced me to him, he only took a glance at me and walked away as if know one was standing were I was. It hurt how he didn't even know I existed. I just love his blue eyes, black hair, his body and most importantly his face.

He's like a god and his name is Alex as for the younger brother Eric. He is a cute kid and will one day be a handsome man it's just he's to young for my taste. Plus I think he likes my little sister Amanda.

I think she like him to but I could be wrong sadly I'm always right. Ella's little sister Alice likes my brother Juan. Well back to me now so were was I oh yes. So after I met him well Ella and I went to the mall to get makeovers it was amazing because some cute boys hit on us. Oh and when we saw each other we told each other you look so hot.

Boys were hitting on us all day long. The next I was talking to Ella when her brother come up to us and asked if me if he could talk to Ella in privet. So they went to a conner to talk. I didn't hear what they were talking about.

That's when they were done talking and he left. The next day I went to Ella's house. She come down from her room to drag me up there. We had so much fun doing girly things in her room. That when I got up to go to the restroom.

I was about to open the door when it opened. Guess who came out of the restroom Alex. He had a towel rapped around his lower wast with another in his hand. He then dryed his hair with the towel and then shock is hair.

I couldn't stop staring at his body. He saw me checking out his body so he smiled and winked at me then went to his room. He is so gody like. I used the restroom then went back to Ella's room.

We had some fun talking about boys she told me how she liked a senior name Sam who was her brothers best friend. Sam was cute but I told her I liked her brother. She told me she new because its obvious by the way I act around him.

I felt embarrassed about it but it was true. That's when he came in saying hey I need a shirt wash my clothes. He had know shirt on. That's when Ella said " ok just get out of my room know one needs to see what you got."

He said " Oh is that so". That's when he graded me by the waist pressing his chest against mine. Then put his lips closed to mine and said " what do you think leticia do you like what you see."

I mean of course I did I couldn't believe he new my name. I feel red from the inside and out. Ella could tell so she said " Letty doesn't like what she sees so just go and ask your girlfriend Kelly.

I'm sure the hore will like to look at you and other guys like Paul because she already does". He said " shut up and leave my girlfriend out of this it's not her fault she the hottest and coolest girl in school. As for Paul I don't want you to say that bastards name ever again.

Just wash my cloth then leave me alone ". He was so anger I felt bad even though it was Ella who made him mad. Oh Paul was Alex's old best friend till he slept with Kelly when Alex was not paying info attention to her because he was trying to earn money to buy her a diamond necklace for prom.

Alex kicked Paul's ass then broke up with Kelly but they got back together because she begged him to. So I know she's not a virgin but I don't know if Alex is but I hope he is. I told Ella what she said was wrong and she didn't need to bring up Paul because he's a asshole and Kelly's a slut.

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