Ch 23

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So the next morning my sister woke me up. I asked " what time is it " sitting up. I was still in my dress from last night. " Why am I still in my dress and what happened last night " I said. " Oh you just had an amazing time dancing like crazy with those strippers especially Francisco " my sister said winking me. Thats when I noticed a little piece of paper sticking out of my bra. I took it out and opened it up. It said " (951)-315-2454 give call me babe if the marriage doesn't work out, - Francisco " as I read it out loud. I was shocked then said " Letty what exactly did I do last night that would give Francisco the impression to give me his number ". " Well when you had a second drink you kind of went a little crazy for the first time ever and you may have grabbed his but when you were dancing with him " she said mumbling the last part. " Wait I did what " I said. " It was nothing you just grabbed his but its not like you made out with him although you did let he grind on you as you dance with both strippers. Other then that I see no shame in enjoying your last day as a free woman. Getting it all out of your system especially with that hot stripper who was so attracted to you " she said. " Your my big sister your not suppose to let me behave that way when I'm drunk " I said angry but at the same time a little embarrassed. " Well forgive me for letting you have a little fun " she said. " I'm sorry your right I shouldn't be mad because I did have fun. Well what I remember and he was hot " I said. " Just get dressed we need to go to the salon to get your makeup and hair ready " she said. " Okay " I said getting up kicking her out of my room to get ready. When we get their all my bridesmaids are getting ready. What's funny is how I got to the salon last. As soon as the hair and stylist sees me they make me take a seat and start on my hair. When their done with my hair they start my makeup. The makeup isn't caked on my face is just the right amount. My hair is curled and pulled back. Then we go to the church. Went to the room for me the bride to get ready. My sister helped me get into my dress. I as finished zipping the back I looked in the mirror. My sister hugged me and said " your so beautiful Amanda ". " Thank you Letty " I said as she hugged me. Their was a knock on the door and my mom came in. She put her hands over her mouth as she saw me and tears of joy started to run down her face. She said " oh my little girl is all grown now and is your much more beautiful bride then I was " then hugged me. " Thanks mom " I said as a tear ran down my cheek. " Where's dad " I asked. " Oh your father just went to using the restroom he'll be hear any minute " she said as she wiped her tears away. Then said " well I better go take a seat then " and she left the room. That when seconds later I heard a knock on the door. I said " come in ". As the person opened the door I ran to them hugging them saying " Daddy " expecting it to be my dad. It was not my dad at all it was Chris. So I stopped hugging him and took a few steps back from him. " We need to talk " he said. Letty left the room knowing we needed to talk in private. " Why are you hear Chris I thought you didn't want to come to my wedding " I asked. He then begins to say " Amanda I'm hear because I need to tell you something important and then I'll leave. Oh and you look very beautiful ". He pause so I said " thank you and you may continue ". " Okay well hear goes. Amanda when I was your man I was to young and dumb to realize that I should have bought you flowers and held you hand but most importantly I should have told you I love you. An yes I know I'm much to late to apologize for my mistakes but I just want you to know I hope Eric doesn't make all the dumb mistakes that I made. I know your in good hands because I know he really does love you. An I'll never forgive myself for letting a strong woman like you go. That's why I'm finally letting you go to show you Amanda Lilith Diaz I love you enough to let you go " he said kissing me gently on the cheek. " Chr..Chris " I said stuttering. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. " Don't cry you don't have to say anything I'll be on my way out Amanda but hears something to remember me bye " he said wiping my tear away then kissed my cheek. He turned around to leave the room. I knew he was serious about being done with trying to win me back.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you for reading my story I hope you liked it. On the side is the song ' When I was your man ' by Bruno Mars I feels it shows how Chris feels. I also put a picture to show how Amanda's hair looks for her wedding. Please comment, vote, and recommend to others. Oh sorry the chapter is so short and theirs still so much exciting things to come so stay tune.

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