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That's when I said " I don't have any thing to say to you," and was going to close the door when he put his foot in the door way. Then said "can we please talk and you look great by the way".

I said "fine lets talk about how I'm going to make your life a living hell oh and thanks". Then slammed the door on his face. I know that was cold but what he did to me was worse.

So then soon enough I heard a knock on the door and open it saying " I told you I don't want to talk!" When I realized it was Eric he seemed very shocked.

Then asked why I said that. I replied " oh I was trying to test out a theory of mine involving yelling and hurtful words." He then replied " oh for a second I thought you were mad at someone that was hear before me and you look rather stunning " he laughed.

So did I then said " me yell at someone like that would be weird so lets just go and have a fun time" kissing him on the cheek racing to the car. He won of course because he's the boy.

We left to a place near the ocean. A man walked up to use and said " Eric my man you and your girl ready come with me." Eric followed and so did I. I asked Eric what we were going to do. He just said jet skiing.

I told him I didn't have a bathing suit. He said "neither do I that's why I bought us some". He bought me a blue bikini which was pretty it just it looked a little reviling for me but I took it.
Then came out of the restroom and saw logan shirtless.

I have to say he looked hot. The guy said " dam". Eric said " hey that's my girlfriend so watch what you say." "Sorry man lets just go jet skiing already" the guy said. We were having an amazing time.

That's when we got dressed and Eric payed him. We went to a little dinner near by. Then ate as much as we could. It was a awesome first official date. He walked me to my door and then we were going to kiss.

Sadly my friend Tori called if she could spend the night at my house. It's because she's an only child and it gets lonely bing by yourself I mean I wouldn't know the feeling. You know because I have lots of siblings.

So I tell her it's okay to come over and kiss Eric on the check goodnight. In a matter of minutes she's hear so I let her in. I ask what happened to her. She replied " I meet a guy."

It is a big thing since guy never noticed her I mean I used to be like that in till high school because Eric still thought of me as a friend. So I replied " where did you meet him? What's his name and how did you meet".

She says " his name is Isaac and we meet at the mall. He was shopping for new shoes". I couldn't help but think about my cousin Isaac so I asked her how he looked like. To which she described my cousin exact.

So I showed her a picture of him asking of this was the guy. She then replied " yes that's him how'd you know." "Well you see he's my cousin " I said. She then said " oh my gosh really that weird he seems so different from you."

I said " I know that okay. Are you sure he like you because he dates tons of pretty girls and I'm not trying to hurt your feeling it just the way he is. I mean I love my cousin but he just you know bad with long term relationships. Besides I don't want you to get hurt by my stupid cousin."

She answered " but he seems so genuine are you sure because I really like him so please just be supportive Amanda." "Ok because your my best friend ever and I love you like a sister" I said. She replied " thanks." I said " lets go to bed now because I'm tired and its late."

So the next morning we woke up got ready for college. When we went to college I saw Eric siting on a bench waiting for me and Chris staring at us. So I kissed Eric and said lets get to class before we're late. He hugged me and then ran to class together.

We laughed and had so much fun learning in class. When we waked out of class talking Eric said "um can I walk you home but excuse me for one second". " Okay," I said as he left. That's when Chris came up to me and said " Amanda we need to talk." "About what" I said.

"About you. I have been think and I was wrong for what I did to you. So I don't expect you to forgive me but hear me out '' he said with those big beautiful hazel eyes. So of course I said yes. He then said '' Amanda I wasn't sure about my feelings for you before but now I am and I want to say this as caring as possible. I LOVE YOU."

I froze then said '' I'm sorry but I don't love you any more," I lied. All he said was '' oh I'm sorry to have bothered you then'' and walked away. I could have sworn I saw a tear in his eye. To be honest I didn't care all I could think was he deserved it for all the pain he has put me throught.

That's when Eric came and asked me what was wrong. I told him it was nothing but he didn't believe me. So I just changed the subject. Then held his hand saying lets go.

I saw Chris looking at us so I kissed Eric and smirked at Chris. He looked mad then. So Eric and I left. When we were walking home we talk some more. Then we planed another date but I pick it at a place were Chris worked at.


We go to where Chris work at a restaurant where he's a busboy. He has other jobs to but we just go to that one. We are having an amazing time but thats when I see Chris. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am sorry it took so long to post this chapter it's because I wanted to take me time on this chapter. I also posted a picture of selena gomez with Demi lovato that are played as Amanda and Tori. There is a song on the side called " gives you hell" by The American Rejects. I picked this song because it fits how Amanda wants to make Chris life a living hell. So that's for reading and vote please.

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