Ch 15

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Chris (Pov)

"I know but before you tell me anything can we do something please" I said.

" Fine what would you like to do" she said.

" Can we go to this place but I can't tell you where it's a surprise" I said.

" Okay but then we need to talk" she said. So I took her by the hand and we went in my car.

When we got their she got off and said " where are we Chris".

That's when I said "don't you remember ".

" Remember what " she said. I can't believe Amanda didn't remember this place it was where we had are first date. The place were we had are first kiss.

Yes Amanda and I had our first kiss hear I know what your thinking thats fast considering I couldn't tell her I love her and we were dating for years. So I took her into the place and guess what it is. It's an ice skating rink.

So I brought Amanda hear because of those reasons and I wanted her to remember all the good times we had together. I took her hear for are first date because she had always wanted to ice skate. So when we got in I rented two pares of ice skates.

I remember her shoe size it is size 7 1/2. I know what your thinking and no it's not weird to know the shoe size of the girl I love. I got a size 10 1/2 for me, my feet aren't big foots feet.

So I handed her, her ice skates. She looked shocked that I remember her shoe size but just said " thank you".
That's when put mine on and grabbed both her wrist with my hand as I pulled her on the ice with me.

Just so you know Amanda's terrible at ice skating and I'm ok. Her and I were trying to do some moves it was fun but we fell a lot and laughed at each other. She jumped in the air and told me to catch her in the air.

I didn't catch her in time so she landed on me as we fell to the floor. I looked up at her and our faces were so close as I looked at her. Her body was on top of mine. She looked down at how close my lips were to hers. I softly said " sorry".

She said " it's ok". That's when I was about to kiss her but she realized what we were going to do was wrong. So she rolled off me to the side. I got up and grabbed her hands to help her up pulling her up close to me because its hard to get up in ice skates.

It was hard for her to gain her balance so I put my arms around her waist to help her stay up. That's when some old couple skates by us and the old woman says " oh you two make a great couple young love so beautiful ".

Amanda and I try and say " mam were-" but were cut off by the old man and woman. They said " I understand you two love bird were just wondering how it is like to be together for so long. Well you need to love and honer each other. So son don't lose this girl she beautiful and smart. As for you missy don't let go of him he loves you and I know you care for him too".

It was nice that the old lady said all those things. That's when Amanda and I got off the ice. We took off our shoes and turned them in then sat at a table. That's when Amanda said " Chris now lets talk and no more excuses"

Amanda (Pov)

So I didn't know we're Chris was taking me. That's when I saw the place I didn't recognize it at first so I asked him where we were. I know he was shocked I didn't remember.

All of a sudden I remember this place it was were we went on are first date I was wearing a dress but he brought me extra close to change into. He knew I always wanted to ice skate. I remember how amazing my first date ever was it was magical I even got my first kiss hear.

I think I see what he's getting at. He really is smart. So we went in he got the ice skates. We started skating it was fun laughing at each other when we would fall. When I had to be so dumb and jump in the air hopping he'd catch me. I end up falling on him and we almost kissed.

I was going to let him kiss me when I realized what am I doing I'm engaged, he hurt me and I love another man named Eric. So he helped me up and had to hold me up so I could catch my balance. Then an old couple thought that we were dating and told us we were a great couple.

We were going to tell the old couple we weren't dating but we didn't get the chance so we just licensed to what she and her husband had to say. It was so sweet they said things that made me rethink about a few things.

So Chris and I got a table to sit at when I said "Chris now lets talk and know more excuses".

" Ok" he said.

So I took a deep breath in to not look so weak in front of Chris and began to say " Chris you need to stop trying to win me back you know I'm with someone else now".

" I know it just Amanda I love you so much I can't just let you go" he said with love in his heart but sorrow in his soul.

" I know you love me but you know I can't take you back Chris" I said trying to stay strong.

" But Amanda you would always tell me you loved me" he said.

" I know Chris you were my first love you were my one and only true love. When we were together our love was pure and holly but you did something that I can't forgive you broke my heart" I said.

" I never meant to Amanda I love and need you I've had to live days, months and even a year without your love I need you, life is so cold without you" he said.

" I won't take you back but I want to you to know if I should ever fall in love again which I have I promise it won't be and can never be the way I loved you Chris" I said.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So I know a lot just happened between Amanda and Chris but stay tuned to see what happens between them in chapter 17. So I put a picture of Gregg Sulkin on the side to show how he is sad. I also put the song I will always love you by Selena Gomez. I think it matches this chapter. Please vote and inbox me who you want Amanda to end up with.

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