Ch 25 Eric's Ending

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I made this Chapter for my friend Blanca who wanted Eric to end up with Amanda. It is a completely different ending then the other chapter 25. You shouldn't read this ending if your for Chris unless you want to read both endings but you might cry. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~

As I yelled out his head snapped my direction but he was already off the side walk onto the street. He turns his body to look at me and yells " Amanda wait wha- ". " BAM " a car hits Chris. He goes flying to the left falling to the ground and the car stops.

I instantly run to his side and elevating his head. He was bleeding out a lot of blood. " Don't worry Chris " I say trying to make him feel better. " HELP ME SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME " I yell at the top of my lungs as tears start to come down my face.

I continue to scream for help when I hear the church doors open. I turn my head to see who it was and it was Eric. " WHAT'S WRONG AMANDA " he yells as he runs to me. " It's Chris he's been hit by a car call 911 and tell them someone has been hit by a car " I yell.

He quickly takes out his phone a calls 911. He tells them where were at and to send an ambulance because someone has just been hit by a car. He hangs up coming to my side and says " don't worry the ambulance is on their way their going to save Chris ".

I'm holding on to Chris crying as the ambulance gets hear and quickly rushed to me and Chris. They put Chris on a gurney to take him away. They say " one person may ride with us ". " I'll ride with Chris " I say.

As were driving to the hospital I grab Chris hand and say " don't worry your going to be all right as long as I'm hear with you " a few tears come out. When we get to the hospital they quickly take him to the ER room I hold his hand all the way their.

I can't go in the ER room so I have to let go of his hand. I wait in the waiting room scared of how he's doing when my parents come and hug me. I cry into their shoulders. That's when I see Chris's family come.

It's his two sisters and both his parents. I hug them all as I see their crying almost as hard as me. Eric came and hugged me to keep me company and I cried in his chest. Marie asked me " is he going to be alright " as her eyes were puffy and red form all her crying.

Eric answered for me. 49 minutes passed when the doctor came out of the ER room. He went up to Chris's parents. He said " are you Mr. and Mrs. Mares ". " Yes " they both said at the same time. " Mr. and Mrs. Mares I have some good news and bad news ".

As soon as the doctor said that we all come close to listen to what he had to say. " The good news is he's still alive " he said. Everyone let out a little cheer. " And what's the bad news " I ask curiously.

" The bad news is he most likely will not make it. Theirs only a 15% chance he'll live. Its because all his organs are failing and most the bones in his body are broken " the doctor said. I said " WHAT! no that can't be " and started to cry refusing to believe what he just said.

I fell to the floor on my knees covering my face as I cried. " But their is one thing he did ask " the doctor said. " What is that " said lifting my face from my hand to see the doctors face. " He would like to say goodbye to all the people he loves especially someone named Amanda " the doctor said.

" Thats me " I said and Eric helps me up. He took us to the room were Chris was. I was standing in the corner of the hospital room as I watched Chris family hugged and kissed him goodbye. It was so sad yet touching.

Chris's family left the room to give us some privacy. I came right next to Chris's bed. I stroked his face with one hand and held his hand with my other hand. He smiles at me and says " Amanda you look beautiful ".

I smiled and said " well your in pretty good shape for a man that just got hit with a car ". He smiles again and says " I'm sorry for taking so long to realize I love you ".

" Don't be sorry its my fault " I said. " Non of that was your fault and never will be. Amanda Lilith Diaz I want you forever and always will you marry me before I die " he said. I started tearing up and say " yes-yes ".

Chris's parents come in the room and hand me and Chris their wedding rings. I guess they were listening to Chris and my conversation. A old man came in with a bible which was odd I'm guessing he's a priest. The man comes to the end of the bed.

" Hi my names Joseph I'm going get you two married " he said. Everyone that came to the hospital for Chris comes in the room. I finish my vows but the beeps on the monitor are getting to slow and Chris's voice is almost to low. He says " I'll love you forever...forever and always.

Please just remember even if I'm not their I'll always love you forever and always ". His grip on my hand loosens as the beeps on the monitor stop. I burst out in tears saying " NO PLEASE DON'T DIE I LOVE AND NEED YOU ".

I kiss is lifeless body hoping that my kiss would bring him back to life like in the movies. Of course it didn't work which made me cry harder. I continued to kiss his lips refusing to believe he was dead.

When Eric stopped me and said " Amanda-Amanda stop he's dead you can't bring him back ". " I have to I'm the reason he died " I said with tears still poring out my eyes.

" It's not your fault Amanda you couldn't control that drunk driver " he said with compassion and love. " But it was because if I never called out to him he would have seen where he was going and not been hit by that car " I say.

" You know that's not true " he said. " Eric I could have done something " I said. " Like what " he said. "I just told you " I said. " Amanda you had no idea a car was going to hit him and if its anyone fault its most certainly is not yours its that the drunk drivers " he said.

" I know its just " I said as more tears came out. He said " hush-hush thats enough " as stroked the back of my head with one hand. The other arm was rapped around me holding me close as I cried into his chest. That day I cried the hardest I ever had in my hole life. I felt my heart break into a million pieces that day.


It has been one week since the death of Chris. Today was his funeral . All his family, some of my family, and all are friends came to his funeral . Eric sat next to me to make me feel better. I mean I ran out on are wedding day but that didn't stop him from staying my closest guy friend.

Rocky, Chris's two sisters, parents, and I each said a speech. I was last to say my speech well hear it is " Chris Edward Mares was a great man we all love. We were all lucky enough to meet him when he was alive.

He lived a short but for filling life. He got to have amazing friends and family. I was lucky enough to be loved by him. We all were. He was my first kiss and as you all know a girl never forgets her first kiss.

Which is why I married him before he died. I will always love him ". It took everything I had to give that speech. Eric tried to comfort me. I really appreciate how Eric help me deal with the pain.


I was now 29 years old and I got married to Eric. He actually started to mend my heart back together but of course their will always be apart in my heart that's broken.

Chris's mom told me something important which was the reason I finally married Eric. She told me that Chris told her to tell me that he wanted me to be happy and move on with my life.

I love Eric he always has been their for me. Deep down I know Chris would be happy that I married Eric because he new Eric was a great guy I mean after all LOVE IS PAIN. THE END ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
Thanks for reading this story and I'm sorry if you cried. On the side is the song " Forever and Always " by Parachute it really captures the pain and sadness Amanda felt. I also put a picture of Amanda and Eric on the side. Please comment, vote, and recommend to others this story. This chapter is also dedicated to my close friend Blanca also known as @Truly_Mrs_Horan for giving me the courage to write a story and their were others to encourage me along the way.

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