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Then said " Chris you can go to my wedding if you want " then I kissed him on the cheek.

I got up walked way when I felt him grab my hand and he said " Amanda wait ".

He pulled me back in his arms "BAM" kissing me on the lips.

Then I pulled my lip away from his and he said "if your choosing to let me go I want one last kiss before you get married and I won't let you go even if you will".

I was in him grip still so I said " Chris please don't I can do this anymore". Then he let got of his grip around me and I walked away from him when I felt tears run down my face. I don't know why I can't ever help the feeling to not cry.

I guess it true what they say about never forgetting and fully stop loving your first love. I wish he would just forget about me I know he won't. Love is pain. So I walked to Giselle's house to tell her what happened but her family was their and want me to play games with them.

It was family games night and she didn't want to play. So she told her parents that I needed her to help me with something important. So we drove to my house and parked the car when we got their.

When I opened up the front door my brother Ivan was working out in the living room. He was shirtless doing pull-ups on the door frame. I saw Giselle drool at the site of my little brothers upper body as he worked out.

I snapped her out of her trance and said " hey little bro put some clothes on and get out of here because some people can't focus on important things when your flashing everyone your
body ".

Ivan blushed and then Giselle blushed. He left in his room to go and work out more. So Giselle and I started talking about what happened to us today. She was not paying attention to me because my brother left his room door open as he worked out.

So I say " hey Gizzy it would be nice if you'd stop checking my little brother out every five seconds and payed attention to me ".

" Wait what oh Amanda I'm sorry please tell me what happened " she said. So I told her what happened. She was shocked to hear what happened and then told me she really feels bad for him.

She then asked me if I was going to tell Eric about the kiss and I told her yes. " I don't think you should tell him because its not like it meant anything I mean you love Eric " she said.

I said " I guess you right theirs no need to tell him if it didn't mean anything ".

She also said " good Amanda oh Amanda does Ivan have a girlfriend ".

" No and if you like my little brother I'll ask him if he likes you. If he does I think I'm going to throw up but I'll be happy knowing my brother and you are happy " I said. So as I told her this she smiled and hugged me thanking me.

I really do want her to be happy she is like a sister to me except her and my brother aren't related at all. Giselle said " Oh Amanda " hitting my arm to get my attention.

I then said " OW WHAT GISELLE ".

She said " oh I'm sorry Amanda I didn't mean to hurt you ".

" Its okay but what did you want to ask me " I said.

" I just wanted to ask if you've gone wedding shopping yet " she said.

" Oh my gosh I completely forgot about shopping for the wedding you know because of the things that just happened the past few days " I said.

" Oh well can we go wedding shopping today with all the girls " she said.

" Yeah sure but we can only go dress shopping for the brides maids dress and my wedding dress " I said. 

" Cool I'll call all the girls up so we can help you pick out your wedding dress " she said.

I smiled and said " okay well wait 25 minutes for them to come after you call them and my sister well I'll get my mom ". So I got out my phone and call my mom. Well Giselle calls Alondra, Kaitlin, Tori, Alice, Ella, and Leticia telling them all to come to my house within 15 to 20 minutes.

So everyone was hear on time except for Kaitlin. She calls telling us she was helping her brother with something. When she arrives we all get in two different cars. I went with Tori, Giselle, Alondra, and Kaitlin well the others went in the other car.

My mom told my to follow her car. Minutes later we arrived at this wedding dress shop. We all got off and went inside when a lady come up to us and said " may I help you ladies ".

My mom said " oh yes I called about trying on wedding dresses ".

" You must be Leslie and your two daughters Amanda and Leticia " the lady said to my mom, sister and Giselle.

" Oh yes I'm Leslie but she's not my daughter. These to girl are ". I was a little mad the lady thought Giselle was me. I mean she new who my mom and sister were. What do I not look like my mom and sister.

Does Giselle look more related to my family then I do. " I'm so sorry Ms. " the lady says.

" Its okay " I say.

" My name is Elena " she said shaking my hand.

" Please follow me and we'll get you started their " Elena said. So we follow her to a room to for me to try on wedding dresses.

That when Elena went to get dresses for me to try on. When she came back I saw all the dresses she brought and they were all so beautiful. Everyone liked different dresses so they all argued witch one I should try on first.

That when I yelled stop and they all looked at me. " Elena do you have little pieces of fabric and a cup " I said.

" Yes why do you need them " she said.

" Just get them for me " I said calm yet strong.

" Yes mam " she said running to go get the stuff. She came back and gave me the stuff.

I then said " you guy are going to draw a piece of fabric from this cup and who ever has the longest one I'll wear the dress they picked first. As for the shortest they go last ".

They all agreed and they all got to pick a random piece. My mom had the longest piece as for my sister Leticia she had the shortest piece. The order from longest to shortest piece was my mom, Giselle, Tori, Alondra, Kaitlin, Alice, Ella, and Leticia.

That when my mom pulled out a box from under the little couch wear her feet were. My mom hand me the box so I said " what's this mom ".

" Just open it " my mom said. When I opened it I pulled out a gorgeous wedding dress.

" Were did you get this dress from mom " I said.

" It's my wedding dress I want you to wear it " my mom said.

" Its so beautiful mom " I said and hugged her.

" Just remember you don't have to wear it if you don't want to I just want to see how you look in it " she said. Elena took me to go change into the dress.

When I was coming back Elena said " ladies please put your hand together for the soon to be Mrs. Aguirre ". I guess my mom told Elena Eric's full name. Thats when I walked into the room.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you all for reading my book and I'm sorry for taking so long to post again. I put a picture of Catherine Zeta Jones as Leslie Diaz who plays Amanda's mom. I also put the song listen to your heart by D.H.T I think it matches the beginning of this chapter. Also continue reading to find out how everyone thinks Amanda looks. Please vote comment and enjoy.

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