Ch 25 Chris's Ending

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Chris and Amanda's Happy Ending

Together. Sorry for posting late just got my Wi-Fi back on. You can pick of you want this chapter to be the ending or the other chapter 25. Enjoy ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~

When he spots me and yells out " Amanda wait what did you say ". " I LOVE YOU CHRIS " I said. " YOU WHAT " he called. " I LOVE YOU " I said. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could in heals.

He started to run to me. We both take a break to catch our breath. Then he says " Amanda what about Eric ". " I realized I don't love him the way I love you " I said. " I sorry I made you choose between us " he said.

" Don't worry you just made me realize your the one besides he understood and let me go after you " I said. " Well when you put it that way I don't feel as guilty if I do this " he said kissing me. Thats when I felt the spark of true love.

Then and there I new he was the one for me. " Amanda I love you can we start over your the only thing in my life thats right in my life and forget the foolish mistakes I've made " he said.

" Only if you can forgive me for not realizing you were my first love and the one for me " I said. " Deal " he said. I kissed him again then hugged him. He spun me and said " I so happy that were reunited ".

" I am to " I said. " Well I'm sorry I need to take care of something and I think you should wait out hear " I said to him. " No I'm coming with you I'm not afraid of what they have to say " he said.

" Fine you can come but don't say I didn't worn you " I said. I walked in with Chris behind me as I come to the front were Eric was. I then said " I'm sorry to tell you all that their will not be a wedding today ".

" Its not that Amanda doesn't like Eric she loves me Chris Mares " Chris said. Thats when Eric got a little angry and punched Chris in the face. " I deserved that " Chris said.

Thats when Eric mom got up and slapped Chris. Eric's grandma got up and kicked Chris in the shin then said " that what you get for breaking up a marriage you son of a bitch ".

" I deserved that too " Chris said in a little bit of pain. Eric then said " okay that's info you all can leave now ". This couple came up to us and hugged Eric saying " I'm sorry cousin ". " It's okay " he said.

" Oh I'm sorry Amanda this is my cousin Ana and her boyfriend Harry. Harry and Ana meet Amanda and Amanda meet Harry and Ana " he said. " Hi Ana and Harry it's very nice to meet you " I said shaking their hands.

" Hi Amanda " Ana said. " Hello Amanda " Harry said. Chris came up next to me and said " hello I'm Chris ". Ana said " your the jerk who ruined the wedding you should be ashamed of yourself " then slapped Chris. Ana stormed off mad as Harry ran to her side to comfort her. " Well that went be then I expected " Chris said.

Eric (Pov)

So as my cousin Ana walks away I said to Amanda " I just going to get a drink I'll be right back ". I go to the bar we had for the wedding and get a shot. I never really drink alcohols so hear goes. That's when a person sits next to me and says " bad luck with relationship ".

I turn to look at the person who said that when instantly I see a beautiful brunette with big ocean blue eyes. " Oh no it not like I got left at the alter just a few minutes ago " I said sarcastic. " Oh my gosh I'm so sorry how did I not recognize who you were " she said.

" It's okay I let the bride run off with another guy " I said. " I can't believe Amanda would do something like that I've known her since we were babies " she said. " Wait you know Amanda " I said. " Ya I'm her closest cousin oh and my names Desiree-Desiree Flondez " she said putting her hand up for me to shake it.

" Well thats nice and its nice to meet you Desiree Flondez my name is Eric Aguirre " I said shacking her hand. " I nice to meet you as well " said Desiree. " I know this is going to sound very inappropriate considering what just happened but would you like to go somewhere with me " I said.

" Sure if its okay with my cousin Amanda your Ex fiancé " she said. For some reason I felt happier with Desiree in these few seconds then I ever did with Amanda. Although I do remember in the past Amanda saying her cousin was a lot like her only better.

" Well lets go and see what Amanda has to say " I said sticking out my hand for Desiree to grab. We went up to Amanda and Chris when I asked.

Amanda (Pov)

" Amanda is it okay if go with Desiree somewhere " Eric said. " Wait how do you know my cousin " I said a little surprised." Oh we just met a couple of minutes ago " he said.

" Oh...well...okay Eric go be happy as long as you still be my best guy friend and I wish the best for you " I said and I was honestly happy for him and my closest cousin Desiree. " I will and thanks Amanda I hope you have an amazing life with Chris " he said hugging me goodbye then leaving.

I looked at Chris and by now his face was red as a tomato from all the women in Eric's family that slapped him. Thats got to hurt but now I have a reason to take care of him. " I think we should go before anymore people hit you " I said to Chris. " I think your right " he said. We said goodbye to my family. My dad told me " you chose good I'm proud of you ".

" And you Chris don't break my daughters heart again or all Amanda's brothers and I will break your face if you do " he said to Chris. " Dad " I said. " No Amanda he's right that's why I vow to never do what I did to you ever again on my word " Chris said and hand shakes my dad. Then I hug my family good by and left in Chris's corvette with him. We drove off in to the sunset as Chris and I said to each other " you are my endless love" and kissed. THE END ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~Thanks for reading this story it is the last chapter for all you Chris lovers. I love you all so much and their will be an epilogue to this story. The next chapter is chapter 25 again but with Eric ending up with Amanda instead. It's for you guys that wanted Eric to be with Amanda. I put on the side the song " Endless Love " by Diana Ross and Lionel Ritchie because it fits this chapter and besides I love this song so much. I also put a picture of Selena Gomez with Gregg Sulkin who play as Amanda and Chris on the side. Please comment, vote, and recommend this story to others. Oh and I'm starting a new story called " Mixed Up " an Austin Mahone fanfic please read it and you should read my other Gregg Sulkin fanfic it's called " Celebrity Hidden ". Well thanks for all your support.

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