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Vanessa (Pov)

So hi this is my story and my names Vanessa Mares. I have two sidings an older brother and younger sister. You all know my brother Chris Mares. The dumb guy that let Amanda Diaz go well of course I lecher him about that because Amanda's an amazing smart girl well woman I mean. Amanda was his first girlfriend, kiss, first everything I think except I not sure if he's still a virgin but of course I'm not going ask my brother if he is I rather not know. Oh and he's not the only one involved with her family. My little sister Marie is dating the youngest brother of Amanda's family. Amanda has three younger brothers around my age and I'm not going to lie they are all pretty dang hot but they all have girlfriends. Like my best friend Alice is dating the oldest boy named Juan he's are age. He has those beautiful hazel eye and that killer black hair just that over all bad boy look but he really is incredibly nice. Besides I have me set on this beautiful blue eyed blond boy that brothers with my brothers best friend. His name is Brandon oh Brandon. Alice says he pretty hot but that hers is mans hotter. When we all know Brandon is well that's what I think of course and its not because he's my boyfriend. He's just amazing. He's not sporty and popular like Rocky. He's not shy and nerdy like Thomas ether. He's not like his brothers he's different. He use to be one of those perverts well at lest before we started dating. So of course he changed for me. I'll tell you how we ended up dating.


So I was on this date with some guy named Joe. He was kinda cute but so boring. We were at some fancy restaurant  having dinner and he started talking about high jean. Thats when my eyes spotted Brandon. Of course I knew who he was he was the brother to my brothers best friend. He was sitting at a table at the far corner of the restaurant. It looked like he was on a date with some blonde chick. He looked bored out of his mind as she was rambling about her hair. That's when he saw me staring at him and winked at me. I quickly turned away as my cheeks turned red. I mean I really do like Brandon but I'm not his type. Im way to ugly for him he only dates the hot slutty type besides he's really perverted. Thats when Joe said " hey is something wrong " snapping me out of my thoughts. To witch I replay " no I was just faltered by what you said " hopping he said something faltering. " Oh well it's true you look like you know how to take a shower " he said a little stuck up. Thats when I he started rambling off again so I looked to where Brandon was sitting but he wasn't their anymore. I looked around but I guess they finished their dinner. So I snapped attention back to Joe. He was so boring I wish someone would save me from this boredom and were only halfway through the date. Thats when Brandon comes in running standing in front of my table panting. He then said " Vanessa your mom and dad just got into a car accident and were taken to the hospital ". " Oh my gosh way didn't anyone call me " I said. " Well it's because everyone rushed to the hospital and they didn't think you would answer your phone since you wear on a date. Thats when I was about to check my phone but Brandon said " no time " snatching me by the arm pulling to follow behind him. So I said " sorry Joe I have to go ". " Maybe we can try this some other time " Joe said. " Ya okay sure " I said rush with Brandon to the exit. We got to my car and when I was about to open Brandon went in front of the car door. So I said " what are you doing I need to get to the hospital. So get out of the way ". " No " Brandon said. So I decided to to push him out of the way. He ended up grabbing my hands spinning me so now my back was pressed up against the car door. " What are you doing? Why won't you let me go to the hospital to see my parents " I said. " Because your parents aren't at the hospital " he said. " What are you talking about you just told me they were " I said confused. " I lied " he said. " Way would you lie to me about that " I said curious now. " Well it's because I saw how bored you were on your date and thought maybe you want want to ditch the guy besides my date was terrible to " he said. " Oh well thanks and sorry about your date " I said. " Its ok and your welcome. So I was thinking you want to go somewhere fun " he said " Like where " I said. " Well just come with me and I'll take you somewhere fun as a surprise " he said. What like a date I said to my thoughts but I guess that I said it out loud because he replied " sure like a date if you want besides we already ditched your boring date " and winked at me. He's so dam cute with those big beautiful blue eyes I could just kiss him and we haven't even been on a first date. I said " okay lets go ". So we went to this dinner. I asked way are we hear and he said " just relax and you'll see way I brought you hear ". So we went in the dinner and went to the front counter. A lady escorted us to a table in the corner and their was this stage. I'm guessing its used for karaoke or shows or something. Their was a person singing on stage they wear really good. As we ordered are food they were still singing. When are food came I started eating the chicken and the person finished sing. They then said " ladies and gentle men would any one care to come up and sing " know one answered. So he looked all around the crowd that's when he pointed to me and said " you young lady in elegant black dress. Would you like to come up and sing ". By now all eyes were on me so I liked at Brandon giving him a look as though I can't. So he said " she'll do it ". The crowd cheered and clapping so he smiled laughing at me. So thats when I said " this young men well be joining me too " as I grabbed his hand pulling to follow me on stage. He looked mad that I brought him up on stage but tried not to let people know he was mad about it. So we picked the song. Brandon then said " we will be sing Almost Is Never Enough by Ariana Grande and Nathan Sykes. Oh and my name is Brandon Tremblay and this is the beautiful Vanessa Mares ". So the music started playing we had are own mikes and I had to start the song off. I was so scared I only sing little songs in front of my family for birthday party's or other little celebrations. So that's when I cleared my throat and began.

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