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The Kaitlin and Rocky Story

Hey my names Kaitlin and this is my story it's that kind of story were a hot guy and a nerdy girl become a couple so I hope you like it. It all started in seventh grade when I moved to this town in California. I met tons of people that have lived hear all there life's. I hung out with this group of girls that dated a lot and made bad choices yet I was the smart goody two shoes.

My house was next door to this boy name Rocky he had two brothers but I don't care about them. I love him but sadly he was with some girl named Sarah. Sarah was a grade level younger then us she was so beautiful and popular I just hated her. I saw how she treat him she would hurt his feelings all the time. She just doesn't understand him the way I do.

We would write on notepads to each other and the messages thought the window. He was the fastest runner in school and is amazing in all sports. He didn't see me as anything more then just a friend. So the group of girls I hung out with I really didn't like them.

That's when I met this amazingly smart, beautiful, and sweet girl named Amanda she had her own group of friends. They were the type of friends I wanted. Amanda and I would love to talk about all the actors we liked and other thing. Eventually Amanda and her friend became close friends of mine.


So one day Rocky and I were on the bench in front of my home talking. I said "so how has your week been Rocky". " Awesome! what about you" he says in enthusiasm. That's when I said with a fake smile " oh it was great really it was". He seemed to believe it because he tucked my bangs behind my ear as he said " that's great".

He seemed so genuine then smiled at me. I love his cute dimples and beautiful ocean blue eyes. That's when his girlfriend Sarah came in her red car. He got in her car and waved bye to me. I waved back to him as soon as he was in the car Sarah kiss him on the lips then looked up at me to see my reaction and to warn me to back off with that evil glair.

She then pushed him so hard back in his seat. I hate her so why is she still alive. The night before we wrote messages to each other. It was because Sara was mad at him. I was almost done writing I love you on my notebook but he closed his curtains before I could finish. I wish I could tell him you belong with me. I started to dance like a weirdo to a song.

Rocky (Pov)

So I wrote to Kaitlin how I felt then closed my curtains. A while later I heard music and looked thought the edge of my window to see wear the music was coming from. That's when I saw Kaitlin doing some weird dance so I laughed at her. She was really funny and smart. The next morning we talked and I could tell she was sad I just don't known why. So I tucked her bangs back and said " that's great".

That when Sarah came I got in her car and waved bye to Kaitlin. Kaitlin waved back but that's when Sarah kisses me all of a sudden. That's when she held me close for a while and looked up. Then pushed me back in my seat hard and we drove off. I then said " what was the all about". She said " I don't like the way she looks at you".

"Why she's just a friend of mine it's not like I like her" I said thinking unsure. " Oh really then who's her crush" Sarah said. " I don't know she never told me she said she'd tell me when she was ready to tell. She said it would shock me" I said. " Oh my gosh she so like you I bet she even has dreams about you in bed with her or kissing" she said in a shallow stuck up voice.

"What! no your wrong" I said thinking about what Sarah said. " I'm going to keep an eye on her" Sarah said as we pulled up to school. I got out and walked down the wall getting to my first class. I tried avoiding Kaitlin the whole school day. When the class was over the whole school day passed by so fast.

Next thing I know I'm getting ready for my football game. When I'm done we run on to the field I see Sarah in her cheerleader uniform. When we start the game she cheers me on. She does a back flip at the end of the game. When the game is done all my teammates lift me in the air and they cheer. When they put me down I come in jogging up to Sarah that when I see her flirting with some guy on my team.

I say " what the hell are you doing". "I'm talking to this guy. Why do you care" she says. " Because I'm your boyfriend" I say. " Well I don't care I'm going to prom with him so bye" she said. " Whatever I'm done with you" I say then walk away hurt.

Kaitlin (Pov)

So I got a ride my friend Amanda. I don't known what happened on Rocky's ride to school because I felt like he was avoiding me. So I had to go to the game after school because I'm in the school band.


I was already dressed in my nerd band uniform. So we were all on the bleachers cheering the team on. I was cheering as loud as I could. The next thing you known the game is over we won. I see Rocky jog in to where Sarah is but she flirting with some dumb jock. I hear how they argue and she's so cruel to Rocky. You can tell she hurt his feelings I hate her so much.


It was 7:53pm and Rocky wrote a letter thought the window. It said (you going to?). I replied (no studying). He wrote back (wish you were). That's when I look under a few papers at the paper I wrote on saying I love you. He got up and left out the door.

I took of my glasses and sang in sorrow "I known where you belong I think it's with me". That's when I decided I'm going to go. I got ready as fast as I could. I got there at 9:54 pm and prom starts at 8:00 pm. Prom ends at midnight so when I got there, their was two hours left of prom. As soon as I walked in everyone started to turn to look at me.

Rocky (Pov)

So as I left I was so sad at the prom I pretended to be happy the hole time. 2 hours later someone walks in so I turn my head to see who it is. It's Kaitlin and she looks so radiant now I am sure how I feel about her. I start to walk towards her when Sarah pulls me back to face her. Then said "Wow you look so hot lets dance".

"I'm sorry I can't," I say turning to look at Kaitlin and getting out of Sarah grip. She says " WHAT !!! " as I walk away from her to go to Kaitlin. That's when Kaitlin has a piece of paper in her hands and unfolds it. It says I love you so I realize I have a paper too so I take it out of my pocket and unfold it holding it in front of me.

Kaitlin (Pov)

So when I show him my paper he takes one out and it says I love you. At that point we smiled at each other, walk even closer to each other and I say " you belong with me ". Then we kiss and Sarah walks off pissed. The rest of that night was perfect. HAPPY ENDING!!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So I'm sorry it took so long to post but I hope you enjoy this chapter. I put the song (you belong with) me by Taylor Swift because this song and video are perfect for this chapter. I also put a picture of Lucas Till as Rocky Tremblay on the side he is very hot. So please vote and inbox me who you want Amanda to end up with.


Rocky Tremblay as Lucas Till,
Kaitlin Kotlinski as Taylor Swift,
Sarah as Taylor Swift,
Amanda Diaz as Selena Gomez

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