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{Isaac Pov}

So I was at home playing on my tablet anger birds it's so fun for the first two hours then you get bored. So I called all my friends and talked to them for a few more hours and was bored again. That's when I saw my cousin Juan's number I was going to text him but I told myself he's my favorite cousin so lets see him in person. We always loved to play the x-box so I took it with me and a couple of games that we liked. When I arrived he opened the door and a girl popped out from behind him. So I said " oh I'm sorry is this a bad time I should probably come back tomorrow ". I could tell he wanted me to leave but that's when the girl said " no you can stay if you like". To which I said only if Juan wants. He looked back at me and said ok. I found out her name was Alice. She was a hot girl but I knew that was my cousins girl. So of course I wouldn't try anything on her. Alice and I played video games for hours. I played with her for so long to make Juan mad. The truth is Alice is a cool girl and she's really good at video games. She even won me a couple of times. I see way he likes her but she's not my type. It was getting late so I told them I needed to live. Juan was happy but before I left I winked at him. He just mouthed at me like no man I respect her besides Amanda would kill me. When I got home it was 12. I looked down and saw my shoes looked old so I decided tomorrow I'm going to buy new shoes.


I got up and went shopping for new shoes. I don't like to shop it's just I need new shoes. So when I went to the mall I was looking at men's shoes when I saw this beautiful brown eyes and dark brown haired girl. When are eyes meet it was love at first site. I could feel it in my heart she was amazing but of course I wasn't going to go up to her I let her come to me. She and I found the perfect shoes for her and me. We then went to the food court to eat I payed of course. She ordered a lot of food which I like about her. Oh and her name was Tori its short for Victoria. She gave me her number so she asked me for mine. I gave it to her and we finished are food. Then we parted ways what was weird is that I only like and date blonds. It's just crazy how I could feel this way. I mean I only knew her first name and we only new each other for a few minutes not even an hour.

{Tori Pov}

When I saw him I knew it was love at first site. I could feel the love in my heart he's the one I was meant to be with. I had a great time with him his name was Isaac. I love everything about him. Sadly we had to leave. I drove to Amanda's house as fast as I could. I ended up finding out Isaac was Amanda younger cousin. I mean it was shocking Amanda's beautiful but Isaac is so hot. I do see a small resemblance. I hope Isaac calls me to go on a date. He's so dreamy it just Amanda told me he dates lots of girls that are blond. Which makes me loose confident in myself because I'm not blond but he notest me. I am one of those shy girls thats why I like that a boy is taking interest in me. Besides I am his age. It's because Amanda is the oldest out of all are friends.


I wake up at Amanda's house then say bye to her. So she tells me to watch out for her cousin then I leave. I am at home all alone bored out of my mind. Thats when I get a text it's Isaac. He wants to go on a date to the movie. I replie yes as quick as possible. He send a wink face at the same time. I send can't wait for it bye.


I am almost ready when some one knocks on the door it's Isaac. He looks really good well I look like a mess still. Then I'm done and we leave to go watch the movie 47 ronin. Keanu Reeves is the main guy in it. Oh and Amanda is like in love with the way he looked younger. Plus it's almost a New Years and I mean he cute when he was younger but he's not my type Isaac is. I told him that Amanda is my best friend and what she had to say about him. He told me some of it was true. I told him as long as he's not like that when we date. So he promised me that he would change. So when we were at the movies it was really good and when their was little scary parts I'd grad this hand. Also put my head close to his chest. He put his arm around my shoulders. That's when I saw some blond making goo goo eyes at him. I looked at her like step off bitch he's mine. She looked at me like oh my gosh and walked away with her boyfriend. After that I had known problems any more. The date was amazing and know one could change that. When we got home I texted Amanda about everything. She was shocked about it and told me to listen to my heart. I was so happy and texted her thanks. Isaac and I dated for years.


We got married and it literary took forever but he finally asked me to marry him. Of course Amanda was my maid of honer. She stood by my side for everything she is like a sister to me. That is way I love her so much. I live happy ever after.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I am sorry I took so long to post but I put a picture of Demi lovoto and Joe Jonas. I think they look good together. I put this song up because it shows them together. I hope you guys like this chapter and vote.

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