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{Chris Pov}

So months after the breakup between Amanda and me. I realized I let the best girl ever get away. Yes I know that Amanda's in a relationship now but I do love her it just took me forever to realize it.

So on her birthday their was a party at her sisters house. I went to it because my little sister Vanessa wanted to see her best friend Alice. So when we went Amanda, Eric, and I found out that Eric's and my little sister were best friends.

We were all shocked. So Amanda said something then the music started playing. Eric asked Amanda to dance which made me mad. They were dancing that's when I decided to cut him off by asking if I could cut in.

Amanda looked shocked and Eric looked mad. When the song was over Eric took Amanda outside so I followed them. I leaned on the door frame. That's when I saw Eric grabbed Amanda's hands and kneel down on one knee.

I right away new what he was doing. That when I said " bravo just simply bravo Amanda thinks she's going to end up with some water obsessed freak".

She looked at me then Eric said " oh and just who are to judge anyone because all I see is some spineless coward ".

I said " SHUT UP you ugly dirt bag your just jealous ".

" Of what the fact that Amanda won't take you back because as soon as I came back in town she forgot all about you. News flash man she loves me not you because when she did you chickened out. Besides I've loved her all my life so just leave her alone you dick" he said.

Then he kissed her I got so pissed. I punched him in the face making him stumble back a few feet. He then punched me back in the face. We started fighting so Amanda runs to stop us then gets help.

People started watching us fight. Then Alex and Juan held down Eric. Ivan and Isaac held me down. Amanda ran to see if Eric was okay. I was so angry and hurt I pushed them off of me then I left.

I had a cut above my eye, a bruised cheek and sprained rib. I was okay because I knew I'll get better fast. So I was at home thinking about Amanda and I hated that Amanda is with him.

My little sister Marie doesn't look like me, my sister or even my parents. She's that random looking sibling that everyone has in their family. I mean she has colored eyes and is really short. Vanessa is 19 years old.

That's when my little sisters Marie says " your so stupid I mean way do you have to fight Eric".

I was surprised by what she said then said " You don't understand ".

" I don't understand what the fact that your a dumb ass. I mean you had your chance at true love but you were a chicken shit. I looked up to you. It just why, why did you let her go because you known you'll never find another girl like her as long as you live. I mean she was perfect for you why" she said.

" I KNOW and what would you know about love your only 17" I said.

" I'M 18 AND I DO KNOW WHAT LOVE IS AND BESIDES AT LEAST I'M STILL IN A RELATIONSHIP. Oh and at least John, Amanda's little brother has the guts to tell me he loves me. I mean what can you do other then sit there and watch the love of your life marry another guy" she said in anger then in her cruel voice.

" I haven't given up on her yet" I said as my sister walked away. I love Amanda I want her back and I won't give up even if its the last thing I do.

... A few hours later

Rocky my best friend had came over with his girlfriend. I wanted him to stay the night so we could hang out but that's when Kaitlin wanted to talk. She said " whatever you doing stop because Amanda is engaged now. So get all your things then leave her and her fiancé alone ".

" I can't just stop loving her, I need her, I'm in pain, I miss her " I said.

" Well she's picking him so stop it " she replied.

" When she tells me to stop loving her or gets married I will. So for now I don't have to listen to you " I said. She left in anger as Rocky came in. Rocky asked me about everything so I told him.

" I love Amanda, Rocky she was my first kiss, love and only. I was her first kiss. So why can't we be together. I mean I feel like half of me is missing. I know deep down she still loves me as much as I love her. I just wish I could go back in time. So I'd be that guy she'd say yes to marrying " I said.

He answered "Chris I'll help you for only so much but when it's her wedding day you need to give up on her if she still doesn't want you".

" Okay I will man thanks" I said.


I walk up and checked my little sisters rooms. Vanessa got up and asked " so Amanda's getting married how does that make you feel?"

" Shut up she's not going to marry him. So if you annoy me any more I'm going to kick your boyfriends ass and I can even if he's my best friends twin brother " I said.

Oh and no they aren't identical. I don't like that my little sister is dating him but Brandon is a nice guy. They also have an older brother named Thomas he's 25 years old. That's their family's three boys.

As for me, my sister Marie is dating Amanda's little brother oh and their both 17. So it's not that bad I mean I just need to keep an eye on her. So I went to Amanda's house to talk to her.

When I arrived I saw her friends cars parked around her house. I knocked on the door and when it opened Amanda was standing their surprised. She then closed the door behind her. She asked " what do you want?"

I replied " I was wondering if John and Maria are hear ".

" Their not hear you just missed them 10 minutes ago " she said.

I said " oh okay well thanks" then I slowly started to walk away.

Amanda said " wait Chris " as she grabbed my hand. I smiled as I turned back to her.

She asked " why are you smiling?" then realized and let my hand go.

She said " Chris I need to talk to you".

" Okay about what" I said.

She then said " I think you know what I want to talk to you about". I looked at her serious this time.

Then said " I know". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So thank you for reading my story and tell more friends about this story. I put a picture of Daniella Campbell as Marie Mares on the side. I put the song "haft a heart" by One Direction because it matches the way Chris feels through out the story. Stay toned to find out what Amanda will tell Chris please vote and comment.

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