Ch 24

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I cried some more when my dad came in the room asking me " what's wrong ". " Chr...Chris " I say as I cry. " What do you mean Chris he's not hear sweetly " my dad says. " Yes he was dad and he finally is giving up on me " I say as I try wiping my tears away. " Well he's dumb because if her truly loves you he'll never give up on you " he said. " Dad but he told me he'll never forgive himself for letting me go. Memory's of how happy Chris and I were together just start to come back to mind. I loved him dad " I said. " Honey but that was in the past you loved him E-D past tense right " my dad said. I was silent for a while when my dad says " honey do you still love him " he said. " I don't know dad I'm happy with Eric it's just I don't know if I love him the same way I loved Chris " I say. " Honey if Chris was the one you'd know " he says. " I know daddy but what do I do " I say as my dad grabbed my hands. " Honey I think you do know what to do " he says. That's when I close my eyes and take a deep breath in and out. Then I open my eyes and look at my dad nodding my head up and down. He puts his arm as a triangle to his side. I loop my arm in and take another deep breath. Someone comes in the room asking if I'm ready I give a nervous tums up. They leave the room for a second then come back in and tell us we can go. I really can't believe I'm getting married. We walk through the hall when we reach the arch way of the church. Everyone's heads turn to me all eyes are on me as I start to walk down the aisle. I hear people whisper things like she looks so beautiful. I smile a little to what I hear. That's when we reach the end of the aisle my dad hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. Then hand shakes Eric and takes a seat next to my mom. I take Eric's hand and we look at each other. Then the priest begins to say " Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Eric Wade Aguirre and Amanda Lilith Diaz in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace ". Know one said a word. The priest then began to read a small text from the bible. As he read it Eric gave me a big smile to which I gave him a nervous smile back. I then spotted Chris sitting in the last row. The priest finish and said " you may now say your vows ". Eric then started to say his vow " I Eric Wade Aguirre, take you Amanda Lilith Diaz, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. I promise to always be your best friend and here by I pledge you my faithfulness ". " I Amanda Lilith Diaz, take you Eric Wade Aguirre to be my wedded husband. From this day forward I promise to have and to hold you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. I will always love you " as I said this I saw Chris get up to leave. He gave me a look as if he was heart broken well a tear rolled down his face. Which made me let out a few tears. That's when the priest said " do you Eric Wade Aguirre take Amanda Lilith Diaz to be your lawfully wedded wife ". " I do " Eric said. " Do you Amanda Lilith Diaz take Eric Wade Aguirre to be your lawfully wedded husband " the priest said. I looked at Eric then the crowed and saw the empty seat were Chris was just sitting. That when all the memory's of Chris and me come back again. I look back to Eric and mumble to him " I'm...I'm sorry " as my eye grow watery. " Why are you sorry " Eric says. " I'm sorry but I can't marry you " I say. " What do you mean " he said a little shocked. " I'm sorry Eric but I don't love you the way I thought I did " I said to him. He looked at me with understand eyes and said " go to him ". I heard people asking each other whats happening. I kissed Eric on the check and said " thank you ". I then held my dress high and started run down the aisle to the front doors of the church. That's when I pushed them opened and started running down the stairs. I spotted Chris he was about to walk on the street to cross it. When I yelled " Chris ". His head snaps back to see who called him. " I was wrong we belong together " I yelled.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So theirs only two more chapters left and I think you guys know what going to happen or do you something surprising could still happen it all just depends on you guys. Who's team Chris and who's team Eric. Well on the side is a picture of George Clooney who plays Amanda's dad. I also put on the side the song " We belong together " by Mariah Carey I feel it matches this Chapter. So please comment, vote, and recommend to others.

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