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Giselle (Pov)

Okay my story all started in the second grade when I first met Amanda and Alondra. We all became good friends that's when one day Amanda's little brother Ivan wanted to play with us. I would tell him no because he's to little. He always got mad and leave to go take his anger out on something by punching it. Like for instance he would punch holes in the walls of his room. He was so strong for his really young age. He ask us one again saying this was the last time he'd ask to play with us. I told him no still but that's when he turned away. He started to walk away and I saw a little bit of tears in his eye so I let him play with us. He wiped away his tears then smiled and I smiled to. I'd always go to Amanda's house to play with her. One day when we all were playing Ivan went inside to get us cups of punch. Amanda said " Giselle I think my little brother likes you ". " What are you crazy Amanda he's only 6. 6 year olds don't even know what a crush is at there age " I said. " Well your only 7 still so how do you know what a crush is when everyone in are grade is already 8 " Amanda said. " Well because 7 is old enough to know what a crush is " I said. " Well Ivan's birthday is in a couple of weeks so he will turn 7 and why else would a boy play with a bunch of girls " she said. That's when Ivan comes outside with cups of punch. " Can we just drop this conversation " I say a little mad because Ivan just came back outside. Amanda says " fine " and gives me a smirk because she knows she won that argument. She hates losing an argument and I sometime hate it to but I'm used to losing.


So I was now a 6th grader. Thats means Ivan's a 4th grader. I would still come over to play with Amanda. Then difference now when Amanda and I play Ivan doesn't ask to play anymore. He also acts like a little jerk to me every time I come over. He likes to pull pranks and talk very rude to me. So one day when I come over Ivan answer the door. I say " is Amanda home ". " Ya she's hear babe up in her room " he said. " Okay thanks " I say as I'm about to step in Ivan stands in the door way . Then he says " wait up babe " as he put him hands up to hold down. " What's the password babe " he says. " Um aren't you a little to young to be saying that " I said. " I'm 10 and 3 quarters babe " he says. " What ever get out of my way and go watch your Spongebob Starepants " I said pushing him out of my way. He got mad and said " I don't watch spongebob ". I went up stairs to Amanda's room. Amanda was in her room with Tori playing on the laptop. Thats when Amanda asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with her and Alondra. I said " sure what movie did you guys have in mind ". " Well we cant decide between Fantastic Four or Xmen which do you prefer I mean I want to watch Fantastic Four because of Chris Evans " Amanda said. " Well I want Xmen because of Huge Jackman and James Marsden " Alondra said. They keep arguing about was better. Thats when I thought of a movie with a hot actor that they would both agree on. So I said " Girls girls I've got a solution how's about we watch the 1978 Superman movie ". They both said agreed and smiled. They started arguing who liked Christofer Reeves more. So I laughed at them and they both got mad at me . So I started the movie. When we got to the part where it shows the little boys but we paused it because the door swung open. Next thing you know we're all mooned by Ivan. We all cring in discus and Amanda throws something hard at him. He then pulls up his pants and runs for it. Amanda gets up and chases after him Alondra and I laugh at them because it funny when Amanda gets mad. We went back to watch the movie with Amanda. Later on when the movie was done Alondra had to leave. So did I but before I did Amanda said " he likes you Giselle ". " Like I said before your crazy Amanda " I said leaving.


I'm now in 9th grade my first year of high school. Amanda and me are still friends like always. So I went to her house and Ivan answered the door. What was weird was that he seemed nerves and was not rude to me anymore just quiet. I went up the stairs to go to Amanda's room. Of course Alondra was there early like always. We all couldn't beside on a movie. Thats when Amanda said " girls I've got an idea I think your both going to like ". Alondra and I said " well what is it come on spit it out ". " Lets look at pictures of hot shirtless male actor " Amanda said. We all smiled and agreed. Then Amanda search up on the lap the top 10 shirtless male actors. They weren't that hot so we just started to look up all are favorite male actors shirtless. Next was my turn to choose a shirtless actor. That's when I thought of a hot shirtless actor. " Lets look at Sean Fairs shirtless " I said. They looked at me then smiled as I started typing in his name and shirtless after it. Thats when we started looking at pictures and found a perfect one of him. We all went googoo eyes over him. Then I said " Wow oh Sean Fairs you are so hot and those abs ". Thats when Amanda's door flue open and their at the door was Ivan. He looked a little angry then said " my abs are better and I can even do back flips. Thats when Amanda said " oh Ivan would you stop Giselle doesn't like you ". He looked sad so I said " well actually I do so come on Ivan lets go out side and you can show us girls your skills ". So we all went outside and made space for him. He then took off his shirt to start stretching. I was really amazed by his abs and started blushing. Alondra said " BANG Amanda your brother does have a nice body ". He noticed when I smiled and winked at me. That's when he did all kinds of flips and movies. When he was done Alondra and I started clapping in amazement. Amanda then said " this is what you do on your free time ". " I have a life you know " he said. " Really because I thought you were a little doofus " Amanda said. So Alondra and I laugh. Ivan got mad and said " well I'm not " then went inside. I realized he was very mad. I went to check on him. He saw lying on the bed facing the wall. He said " who's their ". " It me Giselle " I said. I sat down on the edge of his bed and he turned his body to be seated beside me. I said " you don't need to get mad at your sister she loves you and only wants the best for you ". He said " I know that she loves and wants the best for me but she doesn't know what I want ". " And just what is that " I said with a little smirk. " You " he said then kissed me on the lips. I pulled away as fast as I could. I said " what do you think your doing ". " Kissing you " he said all happy. " Well you can't your only 12 and I'm 14 " I said shocked and a little mad . So this is my first kiss and its with a 12 year old just great I was hoping it be with Nick. The boy who was just amazing. Thats when Amanda came running in excited and said " GISELLE THEIRS SOMEONE ON THE PHONE WHO WANTS TO TALK TO YOU. HE'S TALL, BLUE EYED, SMOOTH BROWN HAIR, DIMPLES, AND ABOVE ALL PERFECT. FOR YOU THAT IS BECAUSE I LIKE CHRIS. Wait what's wrong with you to and what are you doing in Ivan's room ". " WAIT Nicks calling " I said smiling and then looked to at Ivan. He looked sad so I was going to tell him something but by then Amanda had dragged me down the stairs. Thats when I remember the phone call and said in the phone " oh hi Nick it's me Giselle ". " Oh hey Giselle I wanted to ask you something " he said on the other line. " Ya what is it Nick " I said. Amanda and Alondra came on my right side to listen in the phone. Thats when Nick said though the phone " would you like to go on a date with me Giselle ". Amanda and Alondra screamed as soon as he said that. He then said " ouch who was that ". " Oh it was just Amanda and Alondra " I said. " So what about that date " he said. I was right about to say yes when the phone was snacked out of my hand. I turned around to see who graded the phone out of my hand it was Ivan. Ivan said it the phone really angry " Look man Giselle doesn't want anything to do with you so you can forget about her going on a date with a loser like you " then hung up the phone. He stormed up to his room. That's when Amanda and Alondra looked at me and said " what's his problem ". " How should I know " I said lying. " I think I should go and call Nick back later " I said. " No don't go stay " they said. " No I thinks it's best if I go home " I said. So they hugged me bye. So when I got home Nick was by my door holding up flowers. I smiled and said " I'm sorry about the phone call and actually I would like to go on a date with you ". He smiled and handed me the flowers. He saw so happy when he was walking away he almost tripped so I laugh a little.

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