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I see Chris with a girl holding hands. It was one of those girls that would always talk and flirt with Chris when I wasn't around to see, so they thought. With her fake dyed blond hair and tacky clothes.

I just wanted to scream and brake stuff in rage. Then broke down crying and felt for the first time in my life like I couldn't breathe. When I saw them together.

It was killing me so much and I knew my friends could tell. So they told me that I should start dating again but I just said "I can't". They said "why can't a beautiful woman like you start dating again".

I replied " it's because I've never dated anyone other than Chris. So I don't know if I am ready to date someone again for a while". Giselle said " it's ok I understand if you".

"but you guys broke up three months ago besides you need to get out their and show him you don't need him anymore to be happy. Make him want you back and feel like he can't live without you".

Alondra said cutting Giselle off before she could finish her statement. Then Tori and Kaitlin both said '' I agree with Alondra'' So I just went with it and said ''okay so when do I start''.

They all just dragged me to my house and said '' tomorrow''. I was scared because I know them and the type of guys they like. When we got to my house they started making a list of all the guys they wanted me to go out on a date with.


So I got out of bed and it was Monday oh what a dreadful day. I have a date each day of the week. When I heard my cellphone ring. I see it says" get up sleepy were on are way to your house".

So I text " back I'm up ". Which Kaitlin text back "k". They arrive shortly so I let them in. They all take out a list. I then said " who wants to go first". That's when Alondra says " oh that will be me".

She showed me a picture of him and I said " dang he's hot were did you find him and how is he single". I mean so far my friends have sup prized me in a good way. She replied " he was a cute guy my sisters and I saw weeks ago.

I don't know why he is single his name is Rick but he's 25 years old". "Ok" I said. Then got ready for my date. When he arrive he came in my house to meet me and all my friends. They all said he is hot and smiled.

"Why don't we get going before traffic hits beautiful" he said making me giggle. When we arrived at a fancy restaurant I couldn't see the name of it. We entered it very fast and got a table for two. We talked a little as we waited for the food.

When all of a sudden he started talking all about himself like as if I had nothing to say. It made me very upset he clearly had no interest in me but himself. He drove me home then walked me to the door.

Then he was going to kiss me when I stopped him and said "I don't kiss on the first date so bye". He was shocked then left. That's when I entered the house and got all kind of questions like was the date great, why didn't you kiss him, and do you like him.

I just told them the truth he is self centered and that is why I don't like him never the less kiss him. They all hugged and told me its okay we have plenty more for you to date anyways.


I got up to get ready for college. Hey just because I have to go on a date everyday of the week doesn't mean I don't have other things to do like go to college. I did my homework as fast as I could till they got hear.

So Tuesday is Tori's day to show me the one she picked for me. When they arrive Tori showed me a picture of her choice and told me his name was Josh. That's when I said " he looks really familiar ".

I asked her how old he was and she answered 16. That's when I said " are you crazy I mean that's my littlest brother's age and come to think of it that's one of his friends". That's when she gulped and said " but he's really mature for his age''.

''I don't care that's grows ''.''Please oh please Amanda do it for me'' she said. I said ''fine'' only because she's my best friend ever. Then I got ready quickly because I wasted so much time arguing. When the doorbell rang I opened it and the kid said '' yo you look fine girl''.

I was ready to say oh hell no then slam the door on his face but I saw Tori give me those puppy dog eyes. So I just smiled and went with the kid. He then asked me how old I was because he only had a learners permit.

I told him I would drive but he had to tell me where were going. Then we got there I saw a lot of kids his age even my little brother. He tryed to hide from me. When Josh called his and all his other friends to meet me.

He told them I was his girlfriend which all his friends thought was cool except my brother because he was grossed out. I felt uncomfortable because all his friends were checking me out.

Then a while later Josh hit my butt and that's when my little brother punched him in the face. He then said '' lets go NOW''. I was scared and said ''ok'' we then got back home and my friends asked were Josh was. As my brother walked in pissed off. I told them lets just say my brother has one friend less.


I got up did some homework, cleaned, and went to work. Of cores I have a job that's on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. I have to help my parents out or else I cant live with them. I got ready for the next date when my friends arrived.

This time it was Giselle's turn to show me the date she wanted me to go out on I mean it couldn't be any worse then yesterdays. What sucked is she didn't have a picture of this guy but she knew his name and it was Gabe.

Giselle didn't know much about him other then that he was her cousins friend's older brother. She wanted me to meet him at a big buffet were he'd be holding a white rose and needed to hold a white rose too. I saw this really hot guy with a white rose waving at me and I started to wave back.

When some lady passed me up and kissed him then they walked in. I saw a really ugly older guy holding a white rose smiling. I was hoping this wasn't real but it was. We walked in together and got a table. He ate six plaits of food then wanted some dessert.

That's when I saw Chris walk in the door with Jasmine. So I told Gabe to laugh as if I said something funny and smiled. Chris saw me and Gabe then said '' hi Amanda its good to see you''. All I said was '' same hear''. They then walked off and I told Gabe I wanted to leave.

So he pulled out his wallet and said'' I don't have enough money to pay''. So I did the I left angry. When I got home all I told them was'' I was wrong I can have a worst date then yesterdays," and marched up to my room.

They knew something bad happened and asked me what it was. I lost control of my anger and said '' my date was ugly, lazy, and didn't even pay for the bill. Oh and Chris was their with his stupid slut of a girlfriend so you tell me how you think it went ''. They all seemed hurt by my tone so I cooled down and apologized.


I got ready to go to college. When I got to one of my college classes and saw a guy that looked so familiar. He saw me staring at him and smiled. Then class was over he followed me to my car.

I was scared so I took out my pepper spray pointing it at him and said ''who are you and what do you want from me''. He looked at me and said ''Amanda you don't recognize me do you''. That's when it hit me '' Eric, Eric Aguirre''. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I tried to make this chapter longer and I finally introduced Eric Aguirre also known as Logan Lerman. I wanted to post a picture of Logan but I was having some problems and wasn't able to. However I did put a song on by Kelly Clarkson called "since u been gone" because I love this song and it fits the theme of this chapter. Kelly Clarkson is my favorite singer. So thanks for reading and I will try and update soon. Rick is played by Matt lanter. Josh is played by Justin bieber. Gabe is played by jonah hill.

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