Chapter 1

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A/N: If you value your brain cells you'd stop reading right about here :)

A/N: I've decided to edit this trash, so be prepared for sudden vocab changes. I can't believe I wrote and published this shit back in 2016. :')

"Oh. My. God." You screamed, doing laps around the room, sending things flying everywhere. But not everything, because that desk took forever to rearrange and clean up, and the wall decor is so entirely aesthetic that if any harm came to it you would kill everyone and then yourself.

"I just created this piece of art. Oh. My actual lord."

A portrait of your pet cat sat on the easel, radiating with success. Yes. You've done it. You have just painted the other eye perfectly, entirely in proportion, and not only that, the entire picture was perfect, from the tips of the fur to the pupils of the eyes, it was simply perfect.

Your cat meowed, as if she's celebrating along with you. Or that's how you thought of it, because cats are mysterious little fur balls that could be planning your murder right this second, and even after living with one for a good few years of your life you still couldn't understand their feline brains. She then leapt off the table and landed with a plop, padding her way into another room. She was probably there to get food - even though lunch just finished like 5 minutes ago - only to return and hiss at you when she realised you haven't filled her bowl yet.

"Girl, you just had your lunch. But I'll get more food anyways because I'm nice." you said, and after seeing that it's only early afternoon, meaning the shops are still open, throw on a coat and step into your nice black vans. The backs of those shoes are worn far more than the rest of it, a result of continuous use of it as a slipper, rather than the intended use of it as a sneaker.

As always, you head to that cozy little shop tucked away in the corner, keys and spare change and a sweet from who knows when jingling in your pocket.

"(y/n)! Here to get more food for that cat of yours?" The owner smiled, his baby green eyes crinkling around the edges. You've been here for what seemed like twice your entire lifespan, ever since this shop came into business. You know all the employees and seen all the staff change and you've even helped out around the place. You two are practically like family now, and, who knows, might've even been married, if it weren't for the fact that he's straight as a curly fry.

"Yep! One day that fatass isn't even going to be able to fit into his bed anymore."

Grabbing a bag of dry food and a few tins of wet, you put it on the counter and place a crisp note on the counter.

"Thanks a bunch! As always, keep the change. Bye bitch!"

"Sayonara, slut!"

Ah, friendship.

You chuck the food in your little sports/duffel bag (you've never used it for sports, it just looked so cute that you had to buy it.) that somehow can carry much more than it looks, and stroll back, humming a little tune along the way. But only quietly, because if anyone heard it would be as if world war 3 just went down inside their ears, and then you'd be charged for involuntary manslaughter.

— Klaus's P.O.V —

"I swear, to actual hell, if Allen gets drunk ONE more time and makes me do everything, I can and I will end his pathetic little life." he muttered under his breath. Klaus walked down the street, almost into a pole (twice), stopping when he saw a cozy little shop in the corner, and also because somebody ran into him.

"Hey! Do you not have eyes?" He glared, looking down to see whosoever had the brains to run straight into his polished shoes and windswept hair. It was a girl, a girl who was carrying a bulky - but very cute - duffle bag.

"Oh dear me, I am so, so, sorry. I totally did not see you at all. Maybe I should get my eyes checked." She looked up at Klaus apologetically, quickly saying a sorry that sounded very sarcastic. It wasn't sarcastic, no, she would never. She just somehow seemed to sound sarcastic no matter what she said.

"Oh dear me, it is so, so, okay. I accept your sincere apology, thank you and goodbye." Klaus replied mockingly, raising one eyebrow.

He seemed to have - very unfortunately - taken it as though the girl was trying to mock him.

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