gosh fricking bugs

182 7 5

Third person view~

"Well. That's very nice. I just drank blood and enjoyed it." (Y/n) wasn't sure whether she was talking to klaus, herself, or no one at all, but it was important that she got it out before malfunctioning.

"Good for you." Klaus said with such a monotonous expression that it would seem like he's been through this many times before.

"Yeah. Good for me indeed." The sarcasm was strong with this one. "Now, I suppose the snacks don't have the corpse of a person hidden in them, do they?"

"Nah. It's just the tea."

"Really? Sure?"


"Well then. Since I have just suffered a huge emotional blow, I will be retreating to my current home away from home, also known as my room. I anything is required of me, just scream and I definitely won't answer." And then (y/n) just left the library.

She whipped past klaus and through the door, bumping shoulders with a surprised Allen and Matthieu. They were having a small argument of something that sounded veery much like who had the biggest dick and who would top if they were a gay couple.

Their conversation stopped for a brief moment, but it was quickly resumed again.

As soon as (y/n) stepped into her room, she shut the door behind her and sat on the bed, rolling into a human burrito. She simply lay there doing nothing at all, expect for existing and having multiple existential crisis's. That went on for what seemed like a long time, but in reality it was probably no more than half and hour.

Then the doorbell rung.

"I'll get it." (Y/n) said to no one in particular, not that it was even loud enough to be heard by anyone. Standing at the door was none other than Riley, who, a few chapters ago promised to bake (y/n) a pie as compensation.

"Bonjour mademoiselle."

"Guten tag. What brings you here?"

"Pie brought me here. I have the pie I promised." He showed (y/n) the container he brought with the pie.

"Well. At least something good happened today."

"Hmm? Something bad happened? What is it?"

"It's nothing serious, but I think I just committed minor cannibalism against my knowledge."

"Okay then?"

"Yeah? I'll text you later. Just hand over the pie."

"When you say 'text you later', 99% of the time you mean that you'll never text them back. But okay, here." Riley handed (y/n) the container and made a face.

"Well, if you've got nothing else to say or do, I'll be leaving."

"Alright. Bye bye!"

(y/n) shut the door quietly behind her and retreated to her room again. She opened up her laptop and selected a movie to watch, after setting a slice of pie onto a plate. That would be her dinner. 

She wasn't going to let some minor cannibalism and an insane British guy ruin her day. After all, (Y/N) is a girl who does not give a single fuck about anything except for sparkly Asian people, fictional characters, and the possible relationship between her and Klaus.

After the movie ended, she went back to the kitchen to put the silverware and stuff back. Looking at the time, she decided it was time to start washing up. 


(Y/N) lay in bed, scrolling through her tumblr feed. She couldn't sleep, as always. although she obviously knew that being on her phone wasn't going to help her sleep, (Y/N) still does it regardless. It's not like there's anything important the next day.

It was dark.

(Y/N) didn't notice. Not the least.

It crawled towards her, not worrying about death like normal ones should be. Around 0.128498 centimeters away from her head, it stopped.

(Y/N) felt something near her, and she turned the phone towards the thing. The light illuminated the thing next to her head and (Y/N) saw it in all it's creepy glory.


Her eyes widened in shock, and her face froze in a silent scream. She didn't scream out loud, though. It was her special skill to remain quite despite dying on the inside. 

(Y/N) didn't just do nothing, however. She flipped off the bed like the graceful gymnast she is, grabbed the nearest solid object, which happened to be a pen, and went to crush the spider. But because a pen was her current weapon, (Y/N) ended up stabbing the spider instead.

the poor spider was now in tatters, weird goo pooling around it. (Y/N) decided to leave the pen and spider right there on the bed and sort it out tomorrow.

She concluded that she was in fact, mentally scarred for life.

I ain't sleeping here anymore. At least, not today.

(y/N) gathered up her blanket into a bunch and threw it over her shoulder. She opened her door, stepped into the hallway, and went to find another room.

She knocked on Klaus's door, which was closest to hers.

a quiet Yeah??  who is it?  Sounded from inside. (Y/N) stepped inside and greeted Klaus. 

"yo. It's (Y/N)"

"what're you doing here?"

"Can i sleep with you tonight?"


"not that way, you idiot. There's a huge assed spider in my room, i stabbed it, spider guts are all over my bed, and i'm mentally scarred for life."

"oh. Okay then."

"so can I sleep here? I'll take the floor if you don't want me in your bed."

"nah. It's fine, come in before you catch a cold. And I wont do anything, if you're worried."

"good. Thank you very much."

(y/N) hopped onto Klaus's bed and wrapped herself in her blanket, lying with her back to Klaus. She fell asleep fairly quickly, much to contrary belief. As she tossed and turned in her sleep, (Y/N) unknowingly latched onto Klaus, snuggling into his chest.


oh hey look more floofy stuff is happening. I am really out of ideas so let me know in the comments what you want to see more of.

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