Little klaus gets thinking~

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Klaus's POV:

It's been a few days since the date with Riley, but I still haven't gotten it out of my mind.

Its like... he was trying to find out something... about me, maybe?

Even through that innocent smile, that calming aura, I could tell.

I've always tried to keep my distance with relationships, hiding from that world that's fabricated by emotions. It's just too much to handle, the thought of going from someone's treasure, to the ugliest, most foul thing they've ever known.

Love... what a strange concept... it has the power to make people do things they normally would never. It's like a drug, really. Overdose can result in insanity, clouded thoughts, and just mental instability in general, but they enjoy it nevertheless.

Humans sure are strange...

(Y/n) seems different, though. She's nice. She didn't try anything. No screams, no strange looks... but... then again, who'd even scream at me nowadays? Humans have evolved. They'd probably just think I'm a cosplayer...

Ah, yes... I remember those times, being tied up at a stake, screaming as the flames licked at my pale, beaten, body. Falling unconscious once again, only to wake some time later, sore all over with angry, red burns - even a few coal black charred spots - and hiding away in the basement, waiting for those injuries to heal.

In less than an hour, all the scars are gone. There's not even a hint of the fact that I was tied up and burned to death hours ago, insults thrown at me as I 'die'.

Witch... freak... unnatural...

Gilbert didn't have it much better, either.


If (y/n) was there, would it have been better?

Would her presence make it easier to bear?

I can't imagine her looking sad though... it would be too tough on my heart...



Why am I...

Suddenly thinking of (y/n)?

My face burned at the slightest touch, and I suddenly realised how hard I was blushing. Tears had also been silently pouring down without notice, staining my clothes with large, wet patches.

Am I seriously this weak towards my emotions?


Stop it, klaus.

Don't collapse that wall around your heart.

Don't let anyone hurt you like that anymore...


Right, here's the chapter for this fortnight.
Schools started, and it's been hectic since it's a new school and with all the clubs and stuff, so expect some drops in writing quality :/ I'll try to write better, though.

Major creative block as usual. *sighs*

See you all next fortnight!

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