Sleepy children

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Klaus's P.O.V

although (Y/N) had already fallen asleep, Klaus was finding sleeping rather difficult at this point. (Y/N) was snuggled up in a ball  at his chest, clutching to his sides. He was quite flustered, and if it weren't for the darkness of night, you could legit mistake him for a victim of a fire.

Klaus tried to turn away from (y/n) and  actually try to get some sleep, but alas, it was quite a terrible attempt. (Y/n) hugged him closer, this time wrapping her legs around his thighs.

Now, perhaps to onlookers unaware of the situation, it may seem like a cute thing. However, being in the situation that Klaus is in, it would be rather uncomfortable. His legs were bound together by (y/n)'s legs, and his left arm had her right arm draped over it. Klaus's right arm was tucked tightly to his chest, afraid that he'll accidentally grope (y/n), or perhaps suffocate her.

Klaus wanted to move so badly, but of course he couldn't.  He tried to nudge (y/n) a smidge, but she was actually latched onto him.

Okay I love you and all (what no) but this is uncomfortable and I can't sleep (actually I probably could) so uh could you perhaps please maybe move a small bit and let me live please?

Much to his surprise, (y/n) actually moved. She unlatched herself from klaus and turned away from him, finally letting Klaus stretch out.

Omg thank you so much I will love you forever

Klaus turned and tossed, loosening his stiff as hell muscles. He then turned back to (y/n), and this time he latched onto her.

Mcfricking payback, you little-

(Y/n) stirred a bit and opened one eye. "What the fuck..?"

Klaus quickly let go and let out a small whimper. "Ohgeezimsosorryforwakingyouup"

"Why were you holding onto me?"

"Um... you... were holding onto me first... so... I-"

"No, that's okay, apology accepted. You don't have to act so flustered."

"You can see my face?"

"Clear as day. Not really, but I can at least tell that you're blushing like hell." (Y/n) smiled a little, making klaus even more flustered.

He turned away from (y/n) and covered his face while rolling into a ball, attempting to hide his hot, red, face. This made (y/n) smile even wider. Her eyes pinched into a line and let out a small laugh.

"Awwh..!!!You're so adorable!"

"S-shut up..."

"Alright, I think we should go back to sleep now. It's late."

(Y/n) rearranged the covers over them both and patted klaus on the head. He was still facing the other way, refusing to make eye-contact.

"Good night, Klaus~"

(Y/n) had almost fallen asleep when a small voice sounded.

"Good night... I l-love y-you..." the second part was almost silent, covered by klaus's shifting.

"What?" (Y/n) inquired. She heard him say it loud and clear, but nevertheless, she decided to ask that question anyways.


"Awwh. I love you too."

Sorry about the short chapter >_< I'll try to make the next one longer. Also, I probably will end this soon (or at least try to) I'm getting a bit bored of writing this, and some of the readers are as well of reading this.

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