The fault in my tea

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Reader's POV~

After I had put down the phone with Riley, I began quickly browsing the shelves upon shelves of books to read before my tea gets cold. In the end, I decided to not stray too far into this place. I wandered around the shelves nearest to me and finally settled on a lovely Sherlock Holmes novel that looked like an actual copy from the time of publishing.

I brought my tray of food to a large table and sat down on the comfy, worn, leather chair. It sunk down under my weight, creating a little nest for me to comfortably rest in.

I traced my hand over the cover, feeling the lumps and roughness of a well-worn book. It wasn't a badly treated, in fact, I could tell that it was well cherished. It was simply read to often, the cover adorned with marks and without the toughness of a new book.

This book was simply begging to be read. I flipped to the first page and began absorbing the words in my own little world. Images manifested themselves in my head without me even noticing, a thing that often happens. I was utterly absorbed in the book. Even if it was for a little while, I was truly alone and happy in a world in which I could enjoy.

While I was reading, I took small sips of my tea. The taste was slightly metallic and made my taste buds tingle. I couldn't quite put my finger on what exactly it tasted like, although I just knew I've had it somewhere before. It was a feeling which I enjoyed, surprisingly. I couldn't understand why people often say it tastes bad.

"I might get Oliver to brew my tea more often. It's honestly quite nice."

my 'small sips' had now turned into large gulps. I had finished everything in just a few minutes compared to the long hour I had spent reading. It was only when I went to take another gulp at the blood-red tea and was met with only an emptiness that I realised how savagely I devoured my food.

"oh..." my eyes widened in surprise. "did I really do that?"

"yeah. you did." Klaus emerged from seemingly out of nowhere.

"Aish...!! Don't just appear like that!"

"It's your fault for not noticing. I was there the whole time."

"well, that's totally not a bit creepy at all."


"what," I said as I stared blankly at his face.

"anyways. did you actually get OLIVER to make tea for you? I thought I told you to stay away from whatever he's doing?"

"why? I do think he's rather nice. The tea was quite tasty, for your information."

"..." a wave of shock passed through Klaus's face "no wonder Oliver hasn't planned out something for you. He likes your nonchalant insanity."

"Excuse me? I know I'm insane but only I'm allowed to call myself insane."

"ah. whatever you're thinking, that's not what I mean."

"then what do you mean?"

"do you know what you just drank?"

"tea? obviously?"

"no, like, what's in the tea."


"a shit ton of blood, maybe hallucinogens, and, I dunno, probably a poor fella's soul."

"Nah. you aren't being serious. right?" he couldn't be. he definitely couldn't be. I mean, me? drinking blood? am I a vampire?

"Do I look like im joking? living for such a long time does things to people, you should know."

oh shit. he's actually being serious.

"so, I just devoured a pot of blood and enjoyed it?"

"Basically, yeah."


I am running out of imagination help what should i write

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