Does Allen F Taylor is Gay?

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"Hey, doll face~"
"Yo, wassup?" I smirked back, adding raised brows to the expression.

He walked around me, checking from every direction. "Ooh~ so Klaus really did bring a girl home~ you look so handsome I though you were a guy."

I instantly looked down at my washboard flat chest, and touched my pixie cut. I was growing it out, but those things don't just come in a night. Those mosquito-bite breasts are gonna have to sort themselves out though.

"Well then, what gave it away?" I asked.

"The fact that your pants don't have that dick bulge" He bluntly stated.

"But what if I jut had a tic-tac for a dick?"

"Then you're literally a real life click-bait."

I gave Allen the most flattering and suggestive wink I could possibly muster, which really isn't that flattering. "So you're saying... I'm... Beautiful?"

He came up close to my face and pressed his forehead against mine. "What do you think?~"

Dear lord please don't judge my pimples. Ignore my face as well thanks. Actually just become blind or something like that stop seeing things goddamnit.

I regained a smidge of composure. "oh?~ no homo bruh~"

"really? 'Cuz I say full homo~"

"Allen, just shut up." Klaus finally started speaking again.

Ah, so he's called Allen.

"Yeah Ally~, shut up." I said, obviously emphasizing that ridiculous nickname I branded Allen with. "But thanks, no ones actually called me handsome yet."

He looked surprised to hear me say that. I don't see why, I consider myself really ugly most the time.

"But, you're really cute! I mean it. Don't let anyone else say otherwise~" Allen honestly sounded like a teenage girl confessing to senpai and I simply couldn't help but chuckle.

I did a really exaggerated gasp. Could it be? Could it???

"You look like you want to ask me something. What is it?"

"Wow, you must have a really good sixth sense. But first, stop making that innocent face, it really doesn't suit you."

I noticed klaus shrinking even further into the shadows than what I thought possible. Allen spoke up again. " so what is it? Cmon, speak up."

"Are you gay?"


"Hold on, I'm just gonna rephrase the question......Does Allen F Taylor is gay?"

"Woah, woah, wooaaah. What kinda question is that?"

"A direct one. So, are you?"

This time, Klaus answered. "Yeah, Allen's bi as hell, so that also means he's gay."

"Oi, watch it. No one said that."

"Oh really? Cuz I think you and Ollie were pretty... Close... The other day. Remember? I have it on tape."

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