Woahh games

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

holyfuckholyfuckholyfuck i did it i fucking kissed that fucker my heart is beating so fast is it gonna pop out of my body fuck

(y/n) had locked herself in her room, which was now spider-guts free. Although Klaus had kindly offered to help her clean it up, (y/n) refused, saying something like 'can't bother the host too much' and 'shh let me do it i'm a brave child'

Her steaming face, although now somewhat cooled off, was still a smidge red. At times like this, (y/n) would often play games too cool off. Whether it was with her teammates or just random people, she would smash the hell out of the opposition. Fury fuelled by frustration, an unstoppable force.

(y/n) flicked her TV on and switched to the playstation, opening up a game of [FPS game]. She then went onto her discord server, and searched for some people to play with.

(y/n): yo yo wassup children anyone alive?

[teammate 1]: heyy im here

[teammate 2]: and meee

[teammate 3/klaus]: oh wow half the squad's here

(y/N): awesome! anyone wanna play a game with me?

[teammate 3/Klaus]: yeah I'll play with you, i wanted to cool down anyways.

[teammate 1]: oh well if you two are both playing, i'll join y'all.

[teammate 2]: oh! don't leave me you shits i feel so excluded >:0

(y/N): haha of course you can play. when have we ever left you out?

[teammate 2]: lolololol even if you didn't ask I'd forcefully join you all and make everything awkward.

(Y/n): pfff what a child. Anyways guys join the room I just made and we can start playing

[teammate 1]: hold up my wifi is being slow

[teammate 3/klaus]: joineddd

[teammate 2]: done

[teammate 1]: all good I've joined

(Y/n): eyyy let's go on murder sprees



That was (y/n), having just run out of bullets after a particularly jumpy opponent. She missed with her sniper rifle, and gave away her spot. That resulted in the enemy turning around and spraying bullets at (y/n), which made (y/n) return the spray with even more bullets. After missing like 9/10 times, she killed him at last.

There was no where to run anymore. Legit all the opponents now know of her position, so she had no choice but to run to her teammates and get them to cover while she reloaded.

"Geez. Learn to play strategically dammit." Teammate 1 mused. He shot a grenade at a cluster of enemies, taking them out.

"Wasting my bullets is an amazing strategy, thank you very much." (Y/n) jumped up. "All good all done. Now cover me while I switch locations."

"Sure." Klaus moved to cover her movement, taking out most enemies that glanced over.


That signals that there is 10 minutes left of the match.

"Holy fook that went quickly. I'm in a godly location now, y'all can spread out."

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