Chapter 3

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— Reader's P.O.V —

You were having a good time, really, sitting at home and having a totally healthy 13 hour movie marathon. That, alongside some also very healthy fried snacks and soft drinks, was going to be your entire life's worth of calories rolled into one weekend. But it's okay, because one day you'll begin that diet plan you make years ago. You stood up to stretch, walking over to the window and breathing in that oxygen, convincing yourself that that was enough to detox whatever trash you've been eating for the past 24 hours.

Then, you saw a figure - Andy, Riley's long term boyfriend and one of your acquaintances, you guess. There's something about him that always seemed to unsettle you - storming causally (if that was even possible) out from Riley's shop. He suddenly stopped, turning his head towards your direction, catching your eye with a face even psychopathic killers would be jealous of. Those cold, unnerving eyes, that blank smile, everything about it scared you.

You were scared shitless, frozen with a tortilla chip still in your mouth.

"I-I-I-I-I think I should go check on Riley. I'm going to go check on Riley. Watch the house, (p/n). I'm checking on Riley." Without even changing out of your pyjamas, you just throw on the nearest coat and the same vans you've been wearing forever.

You practically sprint down the street, holding your phone tightly in your hands. It's a shame that out of everything your wearing, not one single article of clothing has a nice, deep pocket. Not even the coat.

When you arrived there (in record time, surprisingly), the door was unlocked, just slightly ajar.

"Holy shit. This- this is a classic romance angst setup. I swear I will kill you if you're dead, Riley. I'll reanimate you and kill you again. My heart, oooooh hunney my heart." You took a breath, preparing yourself for the worst.

And of course, there he was, lying on the floor face down, corpse style.


You resist the urge to go ahead and slap the skin off Riley's face, as if that would wake him up, and instead, unlock your phone. You click three times, calling triple zero. A recorded voice sounded from the other end.

"You have dialled emergency Triple Zero. Your call is being connected."

Then, after a small pause, a woman began talking.

"Would you like the police, ambulance, or fire brigade?"

"Ambulance, please!"

Riley's eyes opened slowly.

He groaned, pushing himself up and cracking possibly every single bone in his body whilst doing so. The sudden creaking of the bed surprised you, making you snap your head towards the bed.

"Riley! Oh, my actual I can't even right now are you okay?"

"(Y/n)? Oh, hi! Yeah, yeah, I'm... well, I should be fine, it was just a little bump." Riley said, gingerly touching his face and flinching when he brushed his forehead. "Ooh, dear me that hurt."

"Yeah, a little bump that sent you into hospital. Totally fine. How did this happen though?"

"Uh, well, I lost balance, long story short. There really wasn't much to it."

"Not much to it? Then how do you explain Andy casually strolling past my window with the most terrifying expression ever? Like, he literally caught my eye and looked as though he could kill me. I didn't even finish eating my tortilla chip! Whew, that was possibly the scariest thing I have ever experienced." You purse your lips, exasperated.

"Oh? Why would Andy even do that? What's the point?"

"I know right? But then again, it was because I saw him coming out of your shop that I decided to go check on you. You know, in case he murdered you for breaking up with him or something."

"Well, you're right about the breaking up part, not so much the murder part. But I mean, I felt pretty close to dead, so I guess you weren't so wrong."

"..." You stare blankly at Riley for a good few seconds, letting an awkward silence enveloping the room. He grinned sheepishly at you. "Sorry, did I hear correctly? You broke up? You guys did the separation? You aren't together anymore? How? Why? Girl? Spill the tea?"

"Ooh, hunney, this is a wild one."

"Go on, I'm listening. We've got all the time in the world."

"Ah yes, so basically, he broke up with me. Not the other way round. Andy was all like 'oh no you have relations with people other than me, I can't keep dating you anymore'. So possessive, I know. And that wasn't it. He was all possessive and weird and kept saying how I was impure, how I belonged to him and him alone, how if I kept being friendly with others it would be like I didn't love him anymore."

"Girl, that is disgusting. You deserve so much better."

"I know right?!" Riley huffed. "And you know what else? Andy was cheating on me with Maddie!"

"Holy- woah there, number one she's your cousin, number two I thought he was gay? What happened with that? Like, I know sexualities aren't set in stone, but still?"

"Yeah, apparently he's only 'attracted to the cleanest of humans', you know, the people who are desperate for love and would do anything for their partner. He's disgusting, I know, but even so," Riley hiccuped, and even someone as dense as you could see the wet shine in his eyes and the strain in his voice. "Even so, it still hurts. It hurts, (y/n). Why? Tell me, why did I ever love someone as horrible as him?"

"That. Is officially the most disgusting thing I have ever heard of. You deserve so much better. Riley, you deserve the entire fucking world. Forget about him. Come crash at my place whenever, we're gonna have a day out and a sleepover, just the two of us. I'll treat you to absolutely everything."

"(Y/n)..." he latched onto you in a tight hug, shaking and sobbing and broken on the inside and out. "Th-thank you."

You let him cry on you, not caring about the puddle of tears forming on your shirt. You gently brush your fingers through his soft hair, rubbing your fingers in a circular motion on his back.

"Everything will be okay. It will, trust me. Maybe things are a complete shithole right now, but things will be okay. Life gets better. Nothing a possessive ex boyfriend says to you will matter in the future. I'll personally beat him up if he does anything to you again."

You press your lips to his forehead.

"Everything is going to be okay."

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