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Klaus woke up before (y/n), and saw that she was still snuggled up to his chest in a loose ball. She was like a cute little kitten, her body rising a little and falling again with each breath. Klaus couldn't help but blush at the sight.


Klaus decided it would be a good idea if he went outside, away from (y/n). To calm down a smidge as well as to remove the burning sensation from his face. He gently stroked (y/n)'s hair and lightly placed a kiss on her forehead, making a lighting fast escape when the (h/c) haired girl stirred.

(Y/n) smiled from under her blanket. She was not fully awake, but awake enough to know what happened. She gingerly touched where he had placed his lips and broke into an even bigger smile.

Klaus bolted out the door soundlessly, a feat that many would wonder how it could possibly be pulled off even with the piles of stuff everywhere.

Klaus wasn't usually this messy though, it was just these past few days. He's been so flustered for a lot of reasons, and Klaus wanted a way to let it out. So he wrote. He wrote down his feelings, he wrote down his thoughts. He wrote down a lot of things, actually. So much that the pages have piled up and up, until he regretted not writing everything in a journal and instead jotting things down on loose paper.

Who is she to make me feel this way? I haven't felt something like this in decades. Why now? Why her? Why me?

He thought to himself, now sitting outside on the wooden bench. Birds chirped from time to time, and the wind came by in cooling breaths.

I thought I wouldn't let that happen again. Ever. It was a promise to myself.

But, it seems that I've broken the promise I make to myself over and over yet again.

He loves her, and she loves him. It's simple as that. The feeling is mutual, and yet Klaus refuses to acknowledge those butterflies in his stomach. He doesn't want to be hurt again. Not after he's been hurt so many times already.

"Me? Love you?? You are absolutely insane! Oh, never in my life will I ever love a freak like you!" A (h/c) haired girl much like (y/n) yelled at the albino with a look of disgust etched onto her face.

Klaus was taken aback. "Why?" He quietly said, his voice barely above a whisper. She heard it though, and that look of disgust was etched even deeper into her face.

"You're unnatural! You're an absolute monster! That snowy white hair, those crimson red eyes! I refuse to fall for a devil-spawn!"

She turned around and stomped away, leaving klaus to watch her disappearing form with tears threatening to fall.
"Ah, the 16th century. Good old days. I wasn't even a country yet." He's had many crushes before, however this was the one sided love that hurt him most. Even now, as the thought passes through his head from time to time, klaus still manages to be on the verge of crying.
Isn't it so much easier to smile, instead of explaining why you're sad?

(Y/n) stood silently at the doorway, now fully awake. She had heard everything. Every last word.

What? Country? 16th century? what?? No. I must've misheard. Maybe he was joking. Yeah. That's definitely it.

She walked towards klaus, this time being careful to ensure some noise is made so he wouldn't think she was eavesdropping. Not that (y/n) was, anyways. She just happened to be there at the wrong time.

Klaus noticed the noise and turned his head towards the source of the sound, (y/n), who is now standing next to him. She placed a gentle kiss on Klaus's forehead and smiled.

Klaus flushed red again, and put his hand over where she pecked him.


Ahh idk anymore. I said I'd make this chapter longer but eh...
How should I end this story? The plan is to finish this by chapter 30, or else it'll drag on way too long.

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