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Um. Okay. So I've been really stressed lately, and I don't feel like I can keep writing this story and continue improving the quality of my writing while juggling schoolwork as well. I've been writing this book for like more than half a year now, and I just don't know how to continue this story anymore.
I'll be posting one more chapter after this one and that'll be the end. Since I'm summing up everything that's gonna be happening in 2 chapters, they'll be very abrupt and feel as if things move really quickly.
Really sorry to everyone who was looking forward to a good character development and a bomb ending *lol not feeling guilty at all*
Klaus's POV
The late afternoon sun shone weakly through the gaps in Klaus's half closed curtains, stretching onto the carpet and colouring whatever it could touch a shade of rusty gold. Between the window and the door was a neatly made bed with sheets crisp and clean, much in contrary to the desk littered with foreign objects tucked away in the corner.

Klaus entered his room quietly, shutting the door with a mere soft creak. He made his way over to the desk and sat down, promptly pulling out a few papers from the many stacks on his desk. How he had managed to locate a few specific sheets of paper on the desk you could mistake for a small dumpster, no one knows. But then again, that's supposedly how organised chaos works. You can find the things you require only if you really know the place.

He took out a pen and started jotting down notes on the sheet of paper, occasionally sucking on the end of the pen when in deep thought.

Would silver or gold look better? I think gold is more exquisite, but there's also the question of what type of gold. Or I might just scrap the gold and pick platinum. It's more durable and exceptionally bright. Will it be too heavy though? Platinum is so much more costly, but the cost isn't a problem. After all, I've been saving up and spending and earning for centuries now.

Should I add a gem too? What about a diamond, 17 carats, maybe? Oh, but 17 carats is massive for this occasion. Maybe I'll downsize it to 3 carats. Yeah, that seems like a good size. A 3 carat diamond won't look too big if the width of the platinum is 3.5mm.

What about a design? Just your regular band or something with a twist?

Klaus searched on google images and glanced over at the many designs. There's twisty ones, straight ones, ones with 2 bands, some with gems and some without. He closely studied all them, and then leaned back in his chair after straining his eyeballs from staring at a screen so closely so long.

I think I'll just stick with a regular one then. It's not like they're super ugly, just super common. There's nothing wrong with common things, though.

"Okay. I'm happy with it. It's all good. I'll go to the shops tomorrow to pick up what I need."

Klaus wrote down some more stuff on the sheets of paper, and then stacked them neatly on top of each other. He then rummaged in the drawers and took out a box of clips which he used to keep the documents together.

At the very top of the stack was a paper with no writing on it, except for the text printed in big, bold, letters.

It read 'Order and Preference Form', and just below it was a row of smaller text that said 'Engagement and Fashion Rings'


I'm like 1000% sure this isn't how you buy engagement rings but whatever and this is such a short chapter sorry not sorry //shot

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