What a coincidence, eh?

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Klaus's P.O.V~

Klaus sped away from sight faster than his heart was beating. He covered his steaming face in embarrassment and curled up into a fetal position.


Why did I do that..?!

God. (Y/n) must think I'm some kind of psychopathic obsessive freak.

He got up slowly from the corner he was hiding in, and hopped into his room through the small bathroom window - a sort of secret escape in case Klaus has to leave in the middle of the night. Or if he has to get in. No ones gonna suspect a small, opaque, window, right?

Besides, going through the main door would most likely mean seeing Allen, and that was the last person Klaus wanted to have to talk to today.

Klaus changed into some lighter clothes - he was still wearing the clothes from the date - and booted up the PlayStation.

better go kill some noobs and cool off...

True, every part of Klaus wanted to scream at him for doing something ever so embarrassing, but it wouldn't look very normal to silently roll around with a frenzied look. Instead, it was much easier to cool of with a simple game of OverWatch or such. you could always count on some random bigoted dick popping into the server.

People really haven't changed much, but nowadays, instead of starting wars over a rare boss drop, they just scream loud enough into the mic to give everyone permanent ear damage. Oh, and throw in a rainbow of swear words, too.

Today seemed like an especially bad day. Klaus lost most rounds, and on the ones that he did win, it was extremely half assed and mainly thanks to his other team mates.

god... why can't i concentrate today?

A few of his teammates sounded worried. "Hey, um. Are you feeling okay? You're playing really strangely today."

"I'm... fine? Sort Of? I dunno... can't really tell what I'm feeling anymore." Klaus's uncertainty certainly confirmed everyone's worries.

a female voice spoke up "You aren't sounding very fine. Go cool down, you can catch up tomorrow. I'll save some items for you."

"Yep. I'll go do that. See you guys tomorrow."

Playing games was pissing him off more than it was helping, so Klaus turned it off and lay on his bed. He ripped the charger out of his phone and began to lazily scroll through text posts that somehow managed to entertain him so much. The internet was definitely a time lord, as when Klaus looked at the clock again, it was well past 5.

He sighed and put some dinner for one on the stove. Although Oliver usually cooked, it's rather nice to eat something other than sugary cupcakes and sickly sweet frosting.


Reader's P.O.V~

Awwh~ how cute~ you just can't help but love him, eh?

I chuckled to myself, staring at the fading form of Klaus. He was such a precious little cinnamon roll, really. The shyness, the hair, his attitude towards life, everything. But i could say the same about myself, really. I've got no friends. Maybe fangirls have a special aura that wards off ordinary humans?

I think i should head back now. it wouldn't be polite to stand by a house like a stalker while laughing to myself.

True, i was catching a few strange looks already. I mean, standing alone? Without a phone?? While laughing to myself??? How sinful.

I quickly walked down the path, and back to my house. It was just a plain, 1 story house with an overly large yard, but student can't exactly afford much, to be honest. besides, most my money is spent on games, and manga, and the crap ton of art supplies. Drugs would be cheaper.

As soon as i went home, I booted up my PlayStation and unplugged the controller from it's charger. Gaming is always appreciated, it helps bring me away from reality. Today i decided to play OverWatch, a lovely game i got almost immediately after the release. Most of my usual team was online, so we obviously played together.

today was a rather bad day, we lost most our games, and i noticed one my team wasnt playing nearly as well as he usually does.

"Hey, um. Are you feeling okay? You're playing really strangely today." that was a new player. I guess even newbies can tell when someones playing strangely.

"I'm... fine? Sort Of? I dunno... can't really tell what I'm feeling anymore." His uncertainty was worrying.

I decided to speak up.

"You aren't sounding very fine. Go cool down, you can catch up tomorrow. I'll save some items for you."

"Yep. I'll go do that. See you guys tomorrow."


I haven't actually played OverWatch yet. i'm currently busy with FFXV and Skyrim. I'll be buying it during April, when school lets out. I apologize for any mistakes I made ^^

wow another long chapter this is a miracle thanks for reading! See Y'all next fortnight.

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