Chapter 6

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Your kitchen was... well, functional, to say the very least. Although you love cooking, you're the last person anyone should be coming to for food advice. The entirety of the kitchen was filled with bits and pieces, hazardous each in its own way, and scorch marks you've long since given up on wiping off.

The kitchen was spacious, even more so than your room. But then again, your room wasn't exactly the largest, so that's to be expected. A lot of work had gone into the facilities, especially the coffee machine. It would kill you to have to start your day without caffeine.

You lead Klaus past the tools section of the kitchen, straight to the ingredients cupboard and fridge.

"What toppings do you want? I've got pretty much everything important except for strawberry sauce and pistachios."

"Um... if it's not too much of a bother, I do enjoy some strawberries and caramel clusters... I- um, I don't mean to impose, of course, it's completely fine if y-"

"Hush, I'm treating you today. Strawberries and caramel clusters it is, then."

You went to the fridge, opening it up and pulling out a small container of strawberries. Then, from a cupboard right above the fridge, you took out a mason jar of caramel, homemade and slightly stiff after you accidentally stuffed it in the freezer instead of the fridge. You also found a jar of honey in the back, courtesy of the beekeeper down the road.

"Well, since you're here anyways, do you wanna help?" You asked.

"Sure thing." Klaus replied, walking over to you.

You set out the ingredients in front of the both of you, struggling to make space despite the large counter area. Eventually, you just gave up and stacked some things against each other.

"Right, so first we gotta get this."


"Y'all. It's- it's-," you breathed, eyes sparkling as you took the tray out. "Can you believe it looks edible?"

"Oh! These look so similar to the ones Ollie makes. I think I'm beginning to like you, (y/n)." Klaus said, turning a cup over in his hands.

"So you mean you didn't like me before?" You joked.

"W-Wait! I- no- that's! I didn't mean- mean it like- sorry!" He flushed red, apologising profusely and hands coming up to hide his reddening cheeks.

"Just joking! Don't worry about it. Who's Ollie, by the way?"

"Oh, yeah, he's a friend of mine. My parfaits are very important to me so Oliver makes me one everyday since he's about the only one capable of making edible food."

"Why he sound lovely." You grin, beginning to pull out a box of decorative materials.

"Uh, yeah. I guess- I guess you could say that."

"Right then, you wanna decorate?"

"Oh- yeah, sure." He said.

He picked up an empty piping bag, fitting the plastic with a star tip. You passed Klaus the bowl of cream, ready to be whipped. He took the bowl from you and began beating at it with the mixer, soft peaks beginning to form soon enough.

Klaus spooned a few spatulas of cream into the bag, and set to work whilst you did the same. The pale cream jiggled just slightly as Klaus set down a hulled strawberry into it, pressing down gently.

He then took a bottle of honey, squeezing it out in a swishing motion. It left trails of golden-brown splatters into the parfait, sinking into the cream. A handful of caramel-oat clusters fell onto the creamy parfait, perfectly enhancing the look.

As a finishing touch, Klaus lightly dusted the surface with powdered sugar, and put a splash of chocolate on the strawberry. You didn't think that decorating a parfait could be so attractive, but you thought wrong.

"Well, it's done. I'm not the- the best, but um... what do you think?" He turned to you with sparkling eyes as you stood by your own parfait, not even a quarter of the way decorated.

"Klaus. I am. Screaming. This is the definition of food porn, I swear." You think that your heart might be trying to jump out of your chest, threatening to burst through the ribs and flesh. "That was so amazing. Can I just say how much I love you?"

"I- oh- um!" He began, originally going to thank you with a shy smile but suddenly frozen as the 'I love you' registered in his brain. Maybe you didn't mean it like that, but Klaus was sure as hell going to take it like that.

"It's beautiful! The form, the perfection! I could watch that all day." You exclaimed, shifting in next to Klaus and giving him a quick pat on the back. "Damn, am I glad you came over."

—unedited below—

"R-really?" Klaus suddenly felt... Vulnerable. His heart started beating quicker, and a heat rose to his face.

What is this? Why am I getting embarrassed?

"Um... Uh... LETS EAT!" He spewed out a couple of words, attempting to cover his embarrassment.

"Awwww... Is klaus-y wausy blushing?" (Y/n) teased, a smile on her face. "Aha! Yeah, let's eat!"

(Y/n) led klaus over to a cute little tea table, and they both settled down to eat. An awkward silence decided settle between them.
--readers POV--

"Hey." The (h/c) haired girl said, breaking the silence.

You put on a smooth, honey like voice and move in closer to Klaus's face. "May I?"


"Feed you?" You bat your lashes and smile.

"Uhm.. Uh... Y-yeah! S-sure!" Klaus's pale face reddened, like a cute little tomato.

"Awe, you're adorable, love." Laughing to yourself, you pick up a spoon and scoop up a bit of the parfait.

"Eat up, bro!" Thats it, you've stopped trying. flirting like that doesn't suit you at all, you thought.

"Huh, this tastes great!"

--time skip--

"Bye (y/n)! Thanks for letting me come over!" Klaus smiled.

"No problem dude! Your welcome!"

"The parfait was great, 10/10 would recommend." He winked, and left in a nice silvery car.

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