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I hate him so much.
Fuck him and his charismatic charms.
Why does a white haired boy make me feel so strange?
These feelings.. what are they?
I want to know. I need to know.
I despise it. I despise the way he makes me feel, and the things I want to do.
But despite that, I love him. I really do.

(Y/n) quickly retreated to her room. She's decided that she will confront Klaus about her feelings after she regains decent composure.

Her suspicions that Klaus feels something towards her are plain as day, however, being the person (y/n) is, nothing is confirmed until she hears things from Klaus himself. Even if Klaus dressed in thigh highs and a corset, pushed her onto the bed and started talking dirty, (y/n) will still remain dense until she personally hears Klaus say those words to confirm his feelings.

it's... a defense mechanism, supposedly. to prevent the pain that will surely follow, say if her feelings aren't returned with the same passion, the same fire that she feels.

(y/n) didn't want to wait around any longer. She marched to Klaus's room, which was really only a few meters away from hers, and threw open the door. She was about to start talking until she witnessed him, sitting wide eyed on his bed plucking petals off a flower.

"(y-(y/n)..?! Y-You scared me out of my wits!"

"First of all, sorry. "

"First of all? There's more?"

"We need to talk." (y/n) threw a pointed finger towards the male. "can I sit down."

'We need to talk'. that's a dangerous phrase. talk about what? have I done something? what is it? does she hate me?  is she leaving? what?

"That didn't feel like a question, but more of a command." Klaus gestured to his bed. "sure though, don't just stand in the doorway."

(y/n) immediately began talking after she strode over to his bed and promptly plopped down.

"so, Klaus. I have been analyzing your activities and behaviors that related to me for the past however long it been since I came to crash at your place. "

"you what?"

"I'm going to skip the long explanation and go straight to the question. Bluntly put, what are your feelings towards me?"



"so that's what you came to ask me about. I was so worried that you were going to say something like 'i hate you'."

"Why would I hate you? the whole point as to why im asking you about all this is because I really really really do love you, and I would like to know if you feel the same. "

"And if I don't?"

"If you don't, I am going to get my emotions surgically removed and forget every last trace of what happened during this timeframe. I really love you, but I don't want to be hurt by loving too much."

"Oh... then I'm glad."

"You're glad? glad about what? tell me. answer my question clearly please."

"I'm glad that you feel the same way as I do. loving someone who doesn't feel the same is painful. I had a girl I loved once. I adored her, but she simply didn't want me. I was a freak, while she was the popular, approachable, cute girl. "

"Klaus. Please answer my question. My heart is beating so fast it could just jump out of my chest. I want to know."

"Answer your question? Well... I thought you would've been able to infer from everything that I've said, but it appears not."

"I don't want to infer. I want to hear the words come out of your very own mouth so that I can sleep at night knowing that there's someone who loves me, or that there's a friend I can depend on."

"(y/n).  I like being with you. When I am near you, my heart suddenly starts beating fast. My face gets so hot, and I want to hide in a hole. My thoughts don't come in an orderly fashion when I am with you. But, despite all that, I want to embrace you in a tight hug, I want to kiss you, I want to always be with you. I truly do love yo-" Klaus's eyes suddenly widened.

"Oh!! (y/n)?? are you crying? did I make you cry? I'm sorry? im so sorry? please don't cry I dont know what to do..."

"no, no, no. its completely not your fault. i shouldnt be crying. i mean, why am i crying?"

"um...  if it helps at all, I love you so much you are my entire world please stop crying?"

"Hahah.. I love you too, Klaus."


im going to cry please someone kill me my story sucks my life sucks im going to fail my snowboard comp this weekend kjsdfhjka schools really got me down

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