Lets write in a ship note!

352 11 8

---time skip to after the date---

---Riley's POV---

Klaus beilschmidt:

Update 1:

Didn't find out much today. Maybe I'll bring him home for a movie marathon to check out his attitude.

From what I can tell, he's quite be mysterious guy. Always clad in shades of grey, and sometimes with perhaps a touch of colour. Not that he doesn't rock the look, obviously.

Pretty long hair for a guy, about up to his shoulder blades. It's a silvery white colour, doesn't look dyed though. Same with his eyes. A shade of red that looks way too natural to be contacts.

I'm assuming he's one of the really-super-ultra-rare albino humans. Huh, this is gonna be quite interesting.

Slight sweet tooth, and according to (y/n), an excellent cook. Those two are pretty similar in habits, I just gotta make sure they don't start hating each other.

This'll maybe take perhaps 3 months for them to kiss kiss fall in love, although I'm gonna try and tie that red string together in one. >v<


I put down my pen and stand up, stretching my sore muscles. A couple of bones make an audible clicking sound as it cracks after quite a long period of sitting.

"I should grab some food."

I walked over to the kitchen and was pleasantly surprised when a homemade pie sat on the counter, along with a note.

Here, had some time so I make ya a pie. Do you like smoked salmon and eggs? Well you'd better. I took home half. It's pretty good if I must say so myself. Warm up for no more than a minute or the crust will go soft.

Enjoy, blondie~


Ps. Since you got me up and running so early, I took the chance to make parfaits aswell. I ain't that mean though, there's a parfait for you aswell in the fridge. slightly chilled but not cold tastes best in my opinion.


"Aww, what a sweetheart." I thought out loud. "Thanks mate!"

After putting the pie in the microwave for half a minute, I took out the parfait and cutlery and laid it all out like the demon butler I am. The microwave let off a 'ting' as the timer stops and I take out the nicely warmed slice of pie. The rest is in the fridge for other times.

---reader's POV---

"WHY THE FRICK IS THE DRAWING STILL NOT RIGHT??! IVE SPENT AN HOUR TRYING TO SKETCH THIS ALREADY. Ugh. FUCK IT." You exit out of [drawing program] in a fit of rage. Reality comes swarming back like a strong wave at the beach, and only then do you realize it's eight and you haven't had any food at all since brunch

"Oh yes, the pie. I can eat a slice of pie and have the parfait for dessert."

You walked over to the kitchen counter and cut a generous slice of pie, which you warmed for half a minute. You also took out the parfait from the fridge.

A ding signaled the end of the microwaving and you took out the pie, putting it onto the table and grabbing a knife and fork, aswell as a teaspoon for the parfait. Digging in to the pie, you finish it relatively quickly, and gracefully gobble up the parfait aswell.

---time skip to bed---

Even though your eyelids were heavy like stones, you forced then open again and again.

Crap. I forgot to update my manga.

You were adding screen tones and editing the chapter as fast as you could, while sipping a special blend of coffee brewed with red bull.

Whelp. The readers are just gonna have to deal with a really rushed final page.


Yeah, I know it's only been one week, but I got this done sooner than expected, so here.

The other chapters will be on the same schedule, though. (Every second Monday)

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