Whooop another date yay

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Reader's POV:

The next day~

I slowly slide out of bed, hissing as the sunlight shone through the window and onto my sleep deprived figure. Some well-written fanfiction had managed to find its way into my life, and once again I stayed up late to read.

Today I had a lunch date with klaus that Riley set up without my permission. Obviously, with me being me, I forgot all about it until this morning, when Riley spammed me with texts.

Sheesh... I thought Riley was the one who liked klaus. Wasn't he the one who got all flustered and asked for his number? Is he tryin'a set me up???!

Well, I certainly hope not, my poor [fandom] babies will get jealous.

It was only 9, I just have to be at the cafe at 12. So instead of taming the messy, tangled excuse of hair or getting clothes ready, I quickly cracked a few bones and read what was left of the fanfic. By the time I got my shit together, it was already 11. Realising that I should definitely start dressing now, I hopped in the bathroom and quickly brushed out my short hair, wetting it slightly since it stuck up in stubborn, anti-gravitational directions.

I rarely, if ever, used heat styling. My hair will probably get fried to a crisp. Its better to leave it natural, but then again, in my terms, natural would mean a fricking poofy as hell bouffant that refuses to look presentable.

Like a runway model, I 'gracefully' threw on a heavy, black coat that covered a denim blue to white gradient patterned shirt underneath. I walked over to the door, putting on headphones in the process and turning on music. I laced up my black vans and stepped outside, into the outer net.

It was 11:53

I fast walked over, not wanting to be late. When I arrived, it was just past 12. I spotted klaus sitting at a table through the window and plonked down in the seat opposite him, taking off BOTH headphones.

That represents the fact that my subconscious is telling me he's special.

"Yo! Hope you weren't waiting long!" I smiled.

"Hello, (y/n)! I just arrived aswell, so there's no need to worry."

"Alright. So, what're you thinking of ordering?"


Klaus and I walked slowly, having both eaten way too much for a simple lunch. We decided to stop by klaus's house and meet his 'lunatic brothers', as he says. After we arrived, I waited behind Klaus as he unlocks the door, and we both stepped in.

"Hey, I'm home!" Klaus nonchalantly announced our arrival.

"Yo." "Hey." 2 voices were heard, accompanied by loud gaming noises.

"And he bought a girl hoooome~!" I loudly added.

Klaus looked at me in surprise. I stared back with raised brows, as if challenging him to say something. Almost immediately after, the loud final fantasy Battle music became quieter, and heavy, but fast footsteps could be heard coming closer, which I assumed meant they paused the game. What a surprise, to think that there are people out there who'll pause FFXV to come check out a girl.

A tanned male with dark auburn hair and a bomber jacket much like the ones from WWII stepped off the stairs, followed by a blond with much longer hair and an anti-gravitational curl.

The tanned male smirked.

"Hey, doll-face~"


Wow such a big creative block help me...
Sorry guys, I keep making you wait 2 weeks just for a crappy short chapter ;;

Well, see ya next fortnight!

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