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(I'm a day late really sorry you guys)


Klaus had spent a long time this morning getting everything ready exactly as he desired. He was up at the crack of dawn without a single shred of exhaustion, despite only having slept 5 hours the previous night.

- 4 am -

"Well. look at the time. 4 in the morning, huh?" he scoffed at himself, surprised and proud of the fact he awoke at 4 in the morning without feeling the need to down a gallon of coffee. Nevertheless, Klaus made himself a cup of black coffee with a shot of whiskey, just in case the fatigue decides to slap him in the face later on.

He quickly dressed - black skinny jeans, grey shirt, and a light coat. - and headed down to the back door. Klaus stepped out and was met with a gust of cold wind hitting his face. He checked his watch, which read 4:34 am, and then looked back up again.

"The sun isn't even up yet. Thank god this is my own back garden, or I might get stabbed by a psycho killer." he sighed. "But then again, I do need to go dangerously close to the outside world in order to set this all up."

Klaus kept walking through his gigantic garden until he reached a small clearing in the corner, which consisted of a lovely wooden bench, a pond filled with aquatic plants and a few small fish, and a lamp resembling a short streetlight.

He then got to work, sweeping away the scattered leaves to reveal the fresh green lawn, which he spritzed with water. Klaus walked over to the pond and arranged the smooth stones in an orderly fashion by the water, as well as picking up some loose petals to scatter over the rocks.

"well. I certainly hope that there's no wind today, otherwise the flower petals would've been for nothing." he looked down at his watch again. "5:13 am already? Wow. Thank the lord (y/n) likes to sleep in."

He stood back and admired the now clean garden. The sun hasn't risen yet, but the sky was light. In the morning brightness, it looked especially fresh.

- 9:23 am -

"(Y/n)... (y/n)! Dammit (y/n), wake up~" Klaus shook the sleeping girl.

A mumbled response was all he received from her.

"No seriously. Wake up." He shook her again, harder this time.

"Go away mum, school can go fuck itself." (Y/n) groaned. She turned and ended up facing Klaus, who was staring at her incredulously.

"Wow, feisty one you are." He thought again before shaking her yet again. "There's piping hot coffee and cake if you wake up, (y/n)"

"I'm up." She sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes. "Oh? Klaus, what are you doing here?"

"Ah, finallly awake." He hoisted her up and placed a kiss on her forehead before blushing furiously and turning away. "Wash up, eat up, and come down to the back gate by 11 am."

He then left the room and closed the door with a soft creak.

"???... Klaus never wakes me up like that..?"

Anyhow, the girl stretched and got out of bed. She put on a black tracksuit and then went to wash up.

"Wow shit gurl, you're ugly." She said while brushing her teeth, staring at herself in the mirror.

After getting ready, she went downstairs to make herself breakfast, as the whole 'piping hot coffee and cake' Klaus described was probably not true.

It would seem that it was not needed, as the girl was met with a stack of fluffy pancakes accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate when she walked into the dining room.

"Holy shit."

Holy shit indeed.

Not even questioning the origins of this food, she just tucked in. Don't try this at home, kids. That's exactly how you get poisoned.
But it was delicious, the food was. The beverage was still warm, so it must've been made quite recently.

After finishing her food, (y/n) packed up her stuff and put it in the dishwasher like a civilised person. She then went down to the back gate, where Klaus was waiting.

"Heyyy, I'm here now. Was there something you wanted to show me?" (Y/n) smiled.

"It's more than just showing you, (y/n). Come with me."

Puzzled, the girl followed him out. They walked in silence - except for (y/n) constantly pestering Klaus with questions that he simply brushed away - until reaching a corner of the massive garden.

"Do you like it? This is my favourite corner out of all 4 corners of our garden."

"Holy wow." She gaped at it. "I fucking love it! It's so serene and peaceful, honestly it feels like a place where couples would just hang out and do fluffy stuff."

Klaus smiled.

"And these flower petals, wow! They do a really good job in making the atmosphere colourful."

"Sit down, (y/n), it's more comfortable admiring the view like that."

"Okay!" She sat down on the bench and crossed one leg over the other. Klaus sat down next to her. "Anyways, what's up with you today? Waking me up like that and taking me to this place. It's unlike your usual self."

"That might be because I'm not my usual self today, like you said."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really."

(Y/n) stared at Klaus for a long time before breaking the silence again. "There's something you want to do, isn't there?"

"Oh, of course. Otherwise I wouldn't've brought you out here."

"So what is it?"


Klaus stopped his sentence and swooped down on one knee, smoothly taking out a little jewellery box containing one beautiful ring as he sank to the floor.

That earned quite a gasp from (y/n). "This couldn't be... I-is it..."

He smirked at her stuttering. "Shh, let me speak first."

And then, in an instant, whatever cockiness he had been previously displaying fell apart.

"So... I was.... Perhaps w-wondering if... You'd like to... M-marry... Me?" His voice quivered slightly, and his face flushed redder than the flames of hell, but nevertheless Klaus maintained eye contact with (y/n), who was a complete mess.

"Oh my god."

"So? Your a-answer?"


"Oh my god. (Y/n)."

Klaus gently took her left hand and slid the ring onto her ring finger. Then, he put his arms around her waist and pulled the girl into a tight hug. (Y/n) leaned into the hug and initiated the next stage. She pulled Klaus's head to face hers, and closed the distance between their faces.

Their lips met softly, but with a fiery, passionate feeling. Klaus took it one step further and lightly nibbled (y/n)'s lips, making her gasp.

He then pulled out of the kiss and smiled.

"Thank you."


okay anyways I'm sorry not sorry //shot//
That kiss scene tho. Klaus wyd mate don't play (y/n) like that

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