Ooh a date~

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Just wanna say thanks to everyone who's stuck with the story so far. I really appreciate it! I'm currently planning some non hetalia stories including creepy pastas and a few one shots.
You can expect better content later in the month I promise!

By the way, I plan to update this story on Mondays from now on.
Riley's POV~

I laid in bed for a long time this morning, thinking over my plan. People always said I could tell when people are meant to be, So I said, why not put those skills to good use?

From the moment I laid eyes on that silver haired, mysteriously  atmosphered FINE piece of ass, I knew. Him and (y/n) are meant to be. Well, I ship it so of course it's meant to be.

A familiar ringing interrupted my journey of thoughts and I slid out of bed to turn off the alarm.

7:30. Good, I have about an hour to get ready.

I slip on the clothes (y/n) picked for me and looked in the mirror. "Damn, I look fiiine~"

With the grace of a truck, I trod over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, moisturized and all that crap. Half an hour had already flown by so I quickly stepped downstairs and made a breakfast of a cheese and potato omelette, a small muffin, and a glass of milk.

The doorbell sounded almost exactly after I finished eating, which was a pleasant surprise. I walked over to the door where (y/n) had already let herself in and was taking off her coat.

"Ah, hello (y/n)!"


"Fancy seeing you up so early!"

"Bruh, I'm doing this for you so be grateful. Usually I wouldn't even be up by 10:00."

"Okey dokey!" I stifled a giggle, knowing how pissed she can get in the mornings.

"Alright, you can head back after I go. So how do I look?"

"Well, those messy bangs and non-gelled hair are absolutely fantastic, you almost look like Ciel Phantomhive, minus the hair colour."

This was a pretty good sign. (Y/n) usually compared stuff when she criticizes people, especially fictional characters. "Okay, and?"

"And? And you look like a fricking goddess, okay? Yes, I said goddess. Seriously, you'll be fine."

"Ahaha, if you say so." I smiled. "Oh! I need to get going now. Your welcome to head back to your house."

"Nuh uh ganondorf, I'm sleeping in your spare room."

"Well okay then. Make yourself at home."

---time skip to the theme park---

I arrived at the meeting spot about 10 mins earlier than planned, so I sat down and started shitposting on tumblr. Of course, in no time had 10 mins passed, and klaus showed up at 9 on the dot.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Sup" I said.

We headed over to the ticket counter and got those paper wristbands that were obviously made with superglue. You know? The 'you can try as hard as you can but you'll still need scissors to take them off' kind of wristbands.

First stop. Obviously the roller coaster.

Since it was still morning, the line wasn't huge. It wasn't long before we both stepped onto the platform and then into the carriage. By now, Klaus was on the verge of showing human emotion. I could see him shaking ever so slightly, and gripped my arm.

"Aww~ you nervous?"

Klaus half glared half smiled. "Nah, I'm straight up scared. Last time Al and Matt bought me to an abandoned theme park and started a ride without letting me strap in."

"Woah... Well you're still in one piece so that's good."

"Yah. I broke a bone and strained many muscles though, along with a dislocated shoulder."

"...Well okay then."

A female voice sounded over the loudspeaker about safety and all that, while 2 dudes came around to check the restraining belt headlock thing.

The ride started, and klaus was positively sweating bullets. The first drop came, and as the coaster sped down the slope, screams were to be heard. I screamed as well. Human instinct, ya know? Although if anything, klaus was to be feared. Not a single peep came out the entire ride, although his facial expressions varied from scared to relieved to straight up 'I saw something that could never be unseen' fear.

We got off and picked up our stuff from the lockers. "You didn't make a single sound during the entire ride. You 'Kay?"

Klaus turned to me with a smile. "Nah, it's fine. My body's completely shut down and only the emergency services are still operating."

"Well, uh, in that case, wanna stop for a snack?"



Yeah, klaus is really OOC. Sorry. :/

And another thing about the updates, it'll be every fortnight, NOT every week. since my brain enjoys shutting down when I need it most :')

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