Dimension hopping/author's note

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My (the author's) P.O.V
"Hey, author-ssi, do you reckon they'll get together soon?" Riley leaned over my shoulder and peeked at the manuscript.

"Maybe, perhaps, I don't know. I make up this story as I go." I kept furiously typing, trying to get a sufficient amount of words before the week ended. "And, this is an anime fanfic, so you should call me -chan or -San. Use -ssi for a kpop fic or summat."

"But you're the one writing this story. You made me say -ssi.."

"... shut up"

"Anyways." I turned towards the imaginary camera and looked at the readers. "Hey their, Reader-chans. You must be wondering why this chapter includes me, and even more so why Riley is in it. Well, first off, I am away on school camp from Sunday, so this chapter is out early."

"This seemed like a much more interesting way to give a sneak preview of future events and make the authors note interesting. Author-San is really rather interesting. Writing herself into the book. Wow!" Riley flashed a smile at the camera.

"Riley is kinda like that random character who has special powers and does philosophical stuff and regularly travels between dimensions as if it's the norm. Kinda like Castiel. I wrote a character like this because reasons."

"Actually, she just made that up now. Author-San stated above that she makes up everything as she goes, so all these events aren't really planned out."

I flicked my hair with sass. "Nah. I actually do all kinds of planning while I try to fall asleep. Even though I usually forget everything, it's still planning. I can't fall asleep in 0.092 seconds unlike other people, so it's good to do productive stuff, like imagining dating scenarios with fictional characters and idols."

"I'm sure the readers wouldn't mind a sneak peek at the future events, so how about leaking it?" Riley said while inching closer to me.

"You know that I'm gonna say yes anyways, so get rid of that expression thanks."

"Yay! I know you literally don't write anything publishable till like the last 3 days but why don't you share the overall plan?"

"Alright. So I'm planning to end his story by chapter 30, although it may stretch on a bit since I tend to drag on and on and on. OR it might end before that, or I might just get bored or writing altogether and go on a hiatus. I will finish this story though. I know how annoying it is when a fic hasn't been updates since the 16th century. Also, the direction of the story would probably go something like this."

I whipped out a scroll and allowed it to flow open like it does in animes, and began reading the bullet points.

-Riley, the gay third wheel who keeps trying to set people up
-klaus, that mysterious love interest
-you, the protagonist of my scrappy book
-idk klaus will get all blushy and shy when it comes to relationships
-the 'will you be my girlfriend' chapter is gonna be so fluffy you could sleep on it
-the proposal will probably be like
"(Y/n)... *awkward pause* willyoumarryme???"
*(y/n)'s eyes widen in surprise*
"OML YES I would fucking maRRY THE SHIT OUT OF YOU"
*bro hugs*
*starts crying*
*klaus puts ring on (y/n)*
K and they live happily ever after

"You know that you're probably gonna stray off that plan, right? You literally never follow the plans as it is." He nodded thoughtfully. I decided to shut Riley up by ending this authors note.

"Okay, bye. See ya children. I'll get going now."

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