oh look a peek into the past

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Did she hear...?
Klaus thought to himself as (y/n) walked away after kissing his forehead.
I hope she didn't... I don't want to be a monster anymore...

Klaus always just wanted to be normal. To be a normal person, to fall in love, to get married, to live a life without the horrors he's previously had to face. Those horrors that still haunt him till this very day.
Simple wishes they were, but life was never simple. Life was cruel. Life was unforgiving. Life almost never goes the way you want.

It had started from the moment he was born.

Pale, white, skin as light as freshly fallen snow and soft strands of hair with a colour to match. Light red eyes which would develop into a deep, Crimson red as he grew and aged.

Perhaps in the 21st century, he would simply be regarded as a unique child. But Klaus Beilschmidt had the unfortunate luck to have been birthed by a normal, blonde hair blue eyed mother in what is now called Germany. Every cloud has a silver lining, and not being born in England would turn out to be his silver lining, as Klaus would later find out.

The time period with all the frenzy around witchcraft was mostly confined in England, although there definitely were believers in Germany as well. There was the 30 year war, when Klaus was simply a mere child with no knowledge and sense of the real world. He had been hidden away, his parents fearing that an albino child would bring both them and Klaus harm.

His parents were sadly taken away by the famine and disease, a thing that was oh so common during that time. They could've recovered, but the famine had left their bodies weak and frail. Disease took over and swallowed what little life was left in them while Klaus was shivering in the basement, unaware.

Once his parents died, the deliveries of food to his place in the basement obviously stopped. Little Klaus, riddled with hunger, went upstairs to see if perhaps they just forgot. Maybe they were busy, that would explain it. Maybe they just got affected by the outside world.

Klaus froze in his tracks when he went to see his parents. They were splayed on the wall, bugs and indistinguishable materials surrounding them.

He screamed.

Then the tears started to fall. Fat, oily, tears that dripped down his face and fell on the floor. The initial shock had worn off and sent his senses flying back, jerking his small presence back into the harsh reality.

They were dead. Deader than dead.

He wanted to convince that it was just a dream, that it wasn't real, that being cooped up here for so long had taken a small toll on his sanity, but when the pinches to his arm still sent pain shooting up his body, he knew it was real.

The hunger was no longer a problem anymore. It had ebbed away into a dull ache in his stomach. The real problem was how he would survive. After all, his parents wouldn't have just shut him in the house for no reason, right?

He stared at his parents again. The sight made him nauseous, and now that there wasn't the shock to freeze him, Klaus vomited. he vomited while tears rolled down his face again. he vomited while he subconsciously thought hopeless thoughts. When he stopped, he slumped on a wall as far away from his vomit as possible.

what point is there, if i'm the sole survivor?

what is the purpose to keep going?


"Shouldn't I be dead by now?" Klaus's high pitched child voice squeaked out.

Indeed, he should. But he wasn't. Being immersed in water for over 4 minutes is surely enough to kill a child. But it didn't.

When Klaus saw that he was still breathing, he decided that he must be immune to water. So he tried another way. Taking a rather big fall was his next choice.

That still didn't work.


Thinking about it now, why did i come to the conclusion of death at such a young age? How in the world did i try to commit suicide as a senseless child?

"...The memories are quite hazy. Being alive for so long does have a rather big effect on your memory."

"You make it sound like you've been alive for centuries, you know." (Y/N) suddenly joined his monologue.

"w-w-when did you g-get here..?" Poor Klaus almost jumped out of his skin. He flushed a light shade of red and slightly turned away from (Y/N)

"I've been here for a while you know. You were crying. I hope i'm not intruding on any personal business, but you can tell me whats wrong."

"Oh... It's nothing."

"Yes, it is something. Perhaps something that happened during your childhood?"

"Well... Yeah... But that was a long while ago, so it's nothing anymore."

"Something happened to your family? I studied about the 30 year war in history class for an assignment. It seems that there were quite a lot of diseases and famines going around."

"W-what does the 30 year w-war have anything to do with me?" Oh crap did she hear me crap crap crap

(Y/N) turned to face Klaus and smiled. "i heard you that other day, you know."

Klaus's eyes widened in shock. "you... dont think im... strange?"

"not at all, you little child." (y/n) was leaning closer to Klaus now.

"... what are you doing?"

She replied by pecking him on the cheek. "May I?"

"o-oh! y-y-yes!" Klaus hid his now crimson red face in his hands and averted his gaze.

(y/n) took Klaus's hands off his face and quickly pressed her lips against his. It was only for a brief moment, but it felt like an eternity. As (y/n) pulled away, her heart was beating fast enough for even her dense brain to notice. 

She placed a hand on her burning cheeks, stole a glance at Klaus, and quickly escaped the scene.


lololol u didnt expect a kiss here right? hahah wow this chapter was so much longer.

one thing i learnt at the snow while snowboarding was if you just dont give a fuck about falling and instead concentrate on the turns yoU'LL BE ABLE TO DO THE DAMN T U R N S

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