Chapter 5

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— Klaus's P.O.V —

Its been too long...

I can't hold up any longer...

"Are you kidding me? Really? Klaus Beilschmidt, get your ass up right this second."

A sweet little voice came from the door, coming from a sweet little boy with strawberry hair, but Klaus didn't even have to look to know that the owner of that voice was anything but sweet.

"It's been one day. One. Day." He said, tousling his curly pink hair.

Klaus sprawled across the carpeted wooden floor, head facing down and probably on the verge of death by carpet particle poisoning. "I'm so, so hungry, Oliver, pleaaase."

Oliver pursed his lips, fluttering his eyelids shut as he pressed a hand to his forehead. "You act like I've been starving you or something. Just tough up and live without your bleeding parfaits."

Oliver's brain suddenly froze. His eyes widened, registering the words that came out of his mouth mere moments ago.

Was that...? Did he just...? Swear? Out loud in front of actual humans?

Oliver sighed and added a penny to his swear jar, both of which he seemingly pulled out of thin air. No one knows how Oliver does it; it's not very easy to conceal a 2 litre glass jar filled with coins, especially not within a form fitting waistcoat.

It's not very often that anyone would see Klaus whine, but when it comes to the one food that he absolutely adores, it's very much necessary to do whatever he can to get it.

"Oliveeeerr, I can't have my parfaits without caramel clusters and honey and strawberries! You know that!"

A set of heavy footsteps stormed down the hallway, becoming louder and louder as it came towards Klaus's room. It was Allen, as Klaus just saw, fuming with his PlayStation controller still grasped in his hands.

"Can you stop your pitiful whining. I. Cannot hear. My-fucking-self think."

He then stormed back out the room, his dark maroon cowlick bouncing with his steps.

"Um? I'm not even being that loud?"

A real dramatic sigh came from the doorway, refocusing Klaus towards the only other human being in the room again. "It's another 2 days before they stock that honey again, but what's so special about a cheap no name brand?"

Klaus sprawled back down on the ground again, cupping his face dreamily. "But I like that one! You won't ever understand true love, Oliver. That honey touched my soul, it stole the remnants of my heart from the very first taste. It's the purest form of attraction."

"OH, my gOD, Klaus you utter child." Matthieu yelled from down the hall. Klaus really didn't know how they could hear him. It's not as if they have a speaker connected to his room, right?

— Reader's P.O.V —

"Riley what the fuck. It's like, 9 am on a holiday morning." You groan, eyes probably crusted shut for life. You were almost on the verge of falling asleep again, but Riley really didn't give you a chance. If only you weren't a depressed baby adult, maybe then you'd be able to get more sleep.

"(Y/n)! Guess who just called!" Riley's cheery voice broadcasted through the phone, which is now on speaker mode. He's obviously in a good mood, anyone with a semi-functional brain would be able to tell. Even you.

"That gorgeous moon reincarnate? Klaus?"

"Right! He's just so cute, isn't he? Can you make parfaits, by the way?"

"Yeah, what, you're gonna come over or something?"

"Not me, Klaus."

"He's what now?"

"He's coming over, I told him your address."

"Bitch? You don't just tell random people my address without my permission? I swear to actual Satan?"

"Well, he'll probably be over in a bit, so better dress yourself nicely. After all, your future husbando is coming. Oh wait, did I say that out loud?"


You stare emptily at the screen, the words 'CALL ENDED' displayed in white letters.

"I swear I will end him one day."

You sigh, mourning for the sleep that was gone so soon. It shall be missed, tucked into a nostalgic box in the back of your brain.

Nevertheless, you tried to close your eyes and force yourself back into dreamland, but after a while it was clear that your eyes won't slide themselves shut again. You roll over and grab your phone, scrolling lazily through Instagram.

Before you know it, the low rumble of a car engine trailed its way into your ears, startling you, and the sight of a sleek silver car came into your vision as you hastily peeked through the blinds. You freeze in shock, wondering just how the time has gone by so fast. The last time you checked, Riley had just hung up on you.

You don't want to keep Klaus waiting any longer than necessary, so you rush to your wardrobe and throw on whatever's closest: a hoodie and a pair of fading black trackkies.

You didn't even have time to think about what hairstyle as you brush roughly through the tangled excuse of hair, silently screaming at the knots embedded throughout. The doorbell rang just as you pulled your hair back and pinned it down, sighing in relief.

"I'm coming! Hold on a second!"

You pause by the door, slightly out of breath after that impromptu morning exercise. You breathe out one final deep breath, then opened the door to a familiar new face, clad from head to toe in varying shades of black and warm grey.

"Um... hey (y/n), I'm so sorry to disturb you this early in the morning, you don't seem particularly fond of mornings, but I just really couldn't deal with not having my life essence anymore." Klaus looked so vulnerable, like a lost baby puppy, with his beautiful maroon eyes pointed downwards at his feet and his hands knitted nervously together. You could tell he felt really bad about intruding like this, but you'd rather stab yourself than just kick him out.

"Jesus, come on in. I'll save you from your misery as best as I can, do not fear. You're very correct, I'm not a morning person at all, but when you show up like a lost puppy there really isn't much I can do." You gestured to the coat hanger by the door. "Take off your coat, I don't want you overheating in my zero-death-toll house."

Klaus placed his coat on the hanger and the rest of his belongings on the table nearby, following you into your specially modified (by you, of course. As if you'd have the money to professionally renovate it.) kitchen. His eyes widened at the sight, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.

"Oh my actual hell, this is such a nice kitchen."

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