Part 30:The Holy Father

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Up she looked from down below.
Her heart sprinkled over the ground,
Like powdery snow.

She looked down in melancholy.
Her tainted heart hurt,
No longer alive with folly .

She knew however,
This day would come.
So there she sat in the mid-summer day sun.

She looked up to the cloudless sky,
And in it she wished to soar,
To fly.

And so she shut her eyes;
Begun a small prayer,
She knew her Father would listen and care.

She wished she could be young again,
And when she opened her eyes,
She felt no pain.

She looked up to that blue-blue sky,
And gave a fantastic smile ,
Only an innocent child could provide.

She knew He watched his children from up above,
Seated high and mighty,
In a place of love.

Why did her Father,
Ever allow the pain?
She closed her eyes and said a prayer again.

And when she opened them this time,
It suddenly was clear.
She only hurt when man was near.

Her Father provided choice,
And more often than not,
They picked wrong.

Her Father could try,
But evil was strong,
And their choices only to them belonged.

He could only promise to hold her hand,
Lead and guide her,
To the promised land.

Hi guys...

So yes,this is a religious poem because I myself am religious.I hope nobody took offence to this .I respect everybodies freedom to choose what their personal beliefs are.

I know this isn't the greatest poem ever,but this week has been hectic and it it is only Hump day (Wednesday)...and I just needed that special feeling completing a poem brings.


Thank you guys for reading and voting!I appreciate it alot!You guys never cease to make me smile .




Have a lovely day❤
I hope to hear from you🌹😉

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