Part 47:Advice

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Dear young me:
Seems a fitting way to start.
A letter,a journal?
Advice everyone forgot.

So here I am,
Not much older than you,
Cus my damned experiences,
You're bound to experience to.

Young beautiful petal,
Still shinning and tall,
Clench onto your roots,
Or else you'll fall.

Dig deep into your little heart,
Cement a wall or two.
One day very soon,
Our demons are coming for you.

Take all those happy memories,
Wrap them in a shrine.
You'll need something to hold onto,
When daddy says goodbye.

Pure innocent soul,
Give love as much as you can.
Soon they'll rip it away from you,
Throwing your hope for a fairy tale ending in a trashcan.

Little girl,
A princess at heart.
Forget about prince charming,
He won't be there when you're falling apart.

Sweet creature,
Toes curled in glee.
Never give your trust so easily,
It means nothing in this world,trust me,you'll see.

You're going to experience things,
You never thought possible.
Horrible,painful,soul crushing,
Promise you'll never turn docile.

Most important,
Promise me you'll keep holding on.
Life freaking sucks sometimes,
But we've gotta be strong.

Now if you'd taken this advice,
Held these words to be true.
I'd pray and hope with all my might,
My present would not be the same for you.

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