Part 53 :Once Upon a ...

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Once upon a time...

On the other side of the clouds,
Beyond a bright blue sky,
Lay the impossible possibilities,
Awaiting you and I.

But first there lies a roadblock,
Familiar on such a path,
A horrible terrible goblin,
We'll try our hardest to get past.

Angry hateful words,
Will be his weapons just you see,
I'm already shivering just thinking,
Should I apologise now for the anxiety?

I'm not a strong enough warrior,
My armour already cracked.
I'll need you to gather my pieces,
Glue them all back.

It may take years a many,
And tears and heartache and pain,
But one day one too many,
We'll be okay someday I pray.

Now my grab my hands tightly,
Hold the tears in,
These broken subjects,
Won't let the creature win.

As damaged as we are,
And falling apart at the seams,
We'll all stand together,
To defeat this great big beast.


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