200 Word Story Pt1 -Reflection

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She looks in a mirror,
But it's not her reflection she sees,
Well, at least she doesn't recognise the face staring back at her,in a cynical ,depersonalised way.

The travels her heart had been on in so few years ,
The cuts,the bruises the lessons learnt.
None are visible ,none are obvious in the hollow reflection in the mirror on the wall of the dimly lit bathroom.

Empty,yet knowing brown eyes,perhaps being the only give away.
At first glance,her average looking eyes were just that,average.
But look closer.

A look of maturity,of experience,of ' I've been through it and lost pieces of myself along the way,"whispered softly out of each melanin pigment.

Her young,childlike face was hardened somehow.
Through each pore seeped an air of youth,
Mixed in with a subtle litter of practically invisible scars.

The person she saw looking back at her,other than these faints signs,didn't feel like her.

They are soft and fragile and innocent,while her insides are dark and broken and empty.

She felt as if staring back at her should be a robot,or a heap of stones.This reflection,she swore, wasn't her own
Hey loves,thanks for reading ❤
I'm thinking of starting this series in this book-200word short stories-what do you think ??
PLEASE let me know ❤

On a random note,has anyone read the book
"Eleanor and Park" ,if you have,what do you think!?
If you haven't, I highly recommend it!

Along with
"Everything,Everything." And
"Looking for Alaska"

I have pneumonia and so these past three days have provided alot of time to get reading!

Thanks again

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