Part 35: Degrees of Separation

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There are degrees of separation
And no,I haven't written this from that song.

Real degrees,
Real decrees,
From when heartbreak comes up strong.

From a friend,
From a lover,
The degrees seem all the same.

You're left there breathless ,
The strong hand of grief suffocating,
Heart slamming in your now hallow cavity capitavited by pain.

First you feel anger.
A bitterness so vile,
You coil back at first touch.

But then it becomes what you need.
A bittersweet familiarity,
A dark,deadly source of seething words you don't really mean.

Next you fawn,
But refuse to cave.
The separation is bearable but you are hardly unfazed.

Missing and crying,
That's the degree that comes next.
When anger turns sullen and dissipates into regret.

Then you get used to it.
You try to be just friends.
Pushing down the incurable need to be close to them again.

Naturally, these degrees blur,
Feelings are muddled ,
Some friends turn foe.

But one thing stays the same.

Weeks and months later,
None of it seems to matter.
The thriving fountain of emotions have run dry and all you have left is the faint memory of a time you've come to regret.

I've dealt with this,
It isn't pretty at all.
Especially when your friend-turned-foe becomes nothing to you at all.

All those memories,
Shared secrets we kept,
Evaporated into a fond memory of when I could still trust my best friend.

But it was an illusion,
One I'm these days quick to dismiss.

BUT Can the degrees of separation cause a permanent rift,
Between fragile trust and the relationships we keep?

The answer to that I'm sure you'll agree,
Lies not within this poem,
But within you and within me.

~thank you for reading and supporting me! ~

You guys mean the world to me ♡


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